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Can anyone suggest a good/decent compressor for under $300?



anonymous Wed, 08/06/2003 - 21:10

This'll be my first time chiming in...

I've heard some good things about the Really Nice Compressor: (click the link for the RNC1773)

I don't have personal experience with it, though, so I don't know how good it would sound with vocals.

The most popular kind of compressor for vocals seems to be the opti compressors, which use an optical element to do the gain reduction. These tend to be pricey, although it is possible to build your own, if you're technically inclined.

Joe Meek makes a few opti compressors that I undertand are in a reasonable price range.

Kurt Foster Fri, 08/08/2003 - 09:29

Originally posted by jhagertybhs:
Can anyone suggest a good/decent compressor for under $300???

Not really.. some things cost, quality gear is one of them. There are many products available at that price but I wouldn't be willing to say the were good, or even decent. However I havn't heard everything out there.. I would venture a guess, based on member response, that the RNP is your best bet, but as I said, I haven't ever used one.