Here's a test recording...Guy wants to pursue jobs in VO. What do you think of the talent, as well as the recording? This was recorded with a Sennheser MD421 through an M-Audio DMP3 preamp, and ART Pro VLA compressor, into an M-Audio Delta 44 card. Please let me know, what is good about this, what needs improvement.
Thanks! ANDY
Should I move this to the audio projects forum for critique? Jus
Should I move this to the audio projects forum for critique? Just wondering! ANDY
If he wants to use that as a VO demo, he's put himself into a ve
If he wants to use that as a VO demo, he's put himself into a very tiny voice/delivery type.
The recording itself sounds a bit brittle to my ear.
No, this wasn't intended as a demo, only a test recording to see
No, this wasn't intended as a demo, only a test recording to see if we could get a viable quality working towards a demo. He can do alot more, vocally. He's a trained actor with a theater degree, worked for years in a program which traveled the country performing dramatic poetry readings at schools, and currently trains people for telephone customer service. I was mainly looking to see if we're getting the recording in the right ballpark.
You mentioned the recording sounded a bit brittle. That's something to go on, then. We'll be revisiting this over the weekend, doing more test takes from different scripts. I may try running through the Mackie board instead of the DMP3, and maybe also try running an LDC next to the Sennheiser to see what difference that makes on the same performance. Thanks for listening! ANDY