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Cubase VSTI's preset's keep resetting?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 06/06/2009 - 10:47

I'm using Cubase SX 3, and when I open my VST instruments panel, for example, I'll have Tone2 Firebird open, and RCGAudio's Z3TA open, and I'll have a certain synth selected which I'll be using for a midi track. When ever I stop the track from playing back, and playback from the beginning, the VSTi automatically resets the preset it was using to the default preset.

Example: Default firebird preset is NAT Flute, makes my midi track sound like a flute, I change this preset to "Lead Synth", it plays my track with lead synth once, then I stop the track, and play back from beginning, and FireBird automatically resets the preset selection back to NAT Flute.

I've never had this happen before, all of my other work has come out fine. It's doing this for all of my VSTi's. I created a new project to see if it would still do this, and it is not, it works perfectly fine, so there is something wrong with this project causing it to constantly reset my VSTi's preset.

Can anyone help please?

