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hey everyone --

Right now i have an MBOX, and was thinking about switching to a Digi 002 Rack.
Im only using this for vocals ( i run into the MBOX from a Focusrite ISA220 ),
so will i get better sound using the Digi 002?
Or am i mainly just paying for more inputs/outputs.

Would i be smarter to just buy a really good a/d converter and go from my Preamp through that and into my MBOX via S/PDIF?

I just want to get the best quality sound from my Preamp!
( and i dont have a huge budget )

Any insight would be appreciated! :)




anonymous Wed, 05/12/2004 - 09:07

Did you mean the 001?

I have the 002. And love it so far.

You may do better for the money if you decide what the minimum number of I/Os you need and get the best one you can afford. I am not sure you need as much as the 002 offers and for the 2200.00 it costs (with ProTools LE) you could get something that suits your needs better.

I am new to home recording, but when I bought my stuff I got this same advise from others more experienced than I. I went ahead and got the 002 package because I wanted to get into pro tools and I liked the mixing console.


sdelsolray Wed, 05/12/2004 - 19:31

nuclearmoon wrote: Erin, he does mean 002 rack. There is a rack mount version of your 002 without the HUI. The 002R is considerably cheaper than the 002. $1600US I believe......

Actually, the original poster can get a Digi002 Rack system, with the current version of ProTools (6.4 I believe), for $895 under the Digi Hardware Exchange Program.

The software will be identical (assuming he's using PTLE 6.4 now on the MBox). However, he will go from two to 4 somewhat better pres, up to 18 channels in at once (8 analog and 10 digital), plus all that other stuff that the 002 has that the MBox doesn't. Oh, yeah, better converters too.

anonymous Fri, 05/14/2004 - 15:26

If you don't have the A/D card for your ISA220, you should seriously consider sounds much better than you'd think it would for $500, since you've already payed for the chassis, power supply, and some of the analog circuitry (which is a big part of the cost of a converter). It also gives you a second input so you can use it as a converter for another device as well.

