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Hi all! I know these won't fit the "exclusive pro" standard, but how would you rate the event 20/20 bas V2? I've heard the old ones, but not the new. I allways thought the oldies deserved a second look, they weren't all flat but, once you got to know them, and to know how they handled lo freqs, mixes would translate very well. So I'm curious about the new ones...


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LittleDogAudio Fri, 03/04/2005 - 10:17

I have always struggled with the low-mids and sub-lows on the Events. All monitors have a learning-curve, but for me the Event's are a bit of a mystery. I had to track and mix a project at a studio that had them and after the first day I needed to bring in my NS-10's.

Now, the newer Event's that I heard at AES in San Fran sounded quite a bit clearer on the low-end.

My .02


anonymous Fri, 03/04/2005 - 14:55

0. Sub lows? As in 1:1 unidistorted output from 50 HZ and way way down..?

1. There aren´t any sub lows on the 20/20 and I reckon you won´t get sensible sub lows from anything except 20 000USD+ custom jobs.
2. The room will probably cost you a fair bit more than the speakers will.
3. Sub lows.. for CD? I don´t think so.

That said, the 20/20 and similar designs can be hard to learn. The Room will have to be suitable. Placement is crucial, and they don´t have the same prooomph from 80-50 hz as some other products have. Bass isn´t lacking though. I find the Events ..20/20 and the ASP 8 to be very decent for classical music with real bass. It is pretty easy to listen into the mix and hear what is going on.

When mixing I guess one might check out if it works better setting the 20/20s up for like a midfield listening position, and then consider listening levels. Looking into the Fletcher-Munson / Robinson-Dadson / ISO Recommendation 226 could be smart too. There are clearly better monitors than the 20/20, but it is pretty decent anyway. The ASP 8 is worth checking out too.

BTW: It is always smart to have at least one pair of the MSP5s around.. just in case. It is a secret weapon.



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