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External Hard Drive

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Submitted by FootPrints on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 11:31

Hey everyone, I just bought a Macbook with an 80 gig hard drive for recording. I'm planning on buying a 7200 rpm external hard drive, but the firewire input on the computer will be used by my interface. Would a USB hard drive be fast enough to record with?



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This is an mLAN card. It is one of the options to connect a Yamaha digital mixer to the outside world and fits into the slots of Yamaha digital mixers like the 01v96, DM-1000, DM-2000 etc. This one connects to the FW bus of your computer, much like the standard FW interface on those Mackie or Alesis mixers. mLAN stands for musical Local Area Network. You can find more about mLAN [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.mlancent…"]here[/]="http://www.mlancent…"]here[/].

Mon, 08/06/2007 - 03:34 Permalink