20 September 2005
Aight I have the cable that goes off to two unbalanced cables with tip in the input and ring in the output. Now when I try to insert it on a track on pro tools it is telling me that the I/O is already being used by another device which is my output for the overall mix. Having only two input and outputs on the Mbox, how am I supposed to insert the effect on a track in the software? It is treating the insert 1 and 2 like they are also analog input 1 and 2!
I think you will find that the insert on the mBox is only an ana
I think you will find that the insert on the mBox is only an analog insert between the MIC to ADC ( then to the software )
not a software /hardware insert for things once already in the DAW software.
Mic to Mic-pre
Mic-pre to Insert Out
normalled to
Line Input to ADC.
mbox one only has two ADC's and two DAC's
( I think mBox2 has 2 additional digital inputs )
it would require more to get a software/hardware intsert happening while recording from Mic ... or you would have to loose your monitoring ?? not practicle.
hope all that makes some sort of sense