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Got a Mackie D8B? 24 channel DAW controller

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Submitted by Marc Girard on

Hello everyone!

Some two years ago I searched for an affordable 24 faders controller for my studio rig. I simply found none. There was solutions that were OK, but nothing for the "middle-class" professional. So I decided to create my own using a Mackie D8B.

So, here we are, 24 months later, my software is finally done and ready! It's called D8Bridge and it converts any Mackie D8B into a fully fledged DAW controller. It emulates 3 Mackie Control units, 100% of the protocol has been implemented and works wonders. It has been tested with Studio One and works real good!

You might have seen posts and videos about this... I got myself together and created a web site with all the info we gathered over the last two years.

So, if you have an old D8B lying around, or looking for an affordable 24 channel DAW controller, this thing might be just for you. Please come and visit me right here: [=""]D8Bridge[/]="http://www.bluaudio…"]D8Bridge[/]

Drop us a line! Let me know what you guys think! Thanks all!

Marc Girard


