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No, not really...but hum yeah i was thinking of buying an RNP and RNC with two SPB1s and going through an echo MIA (2inputs). This is an upgrade to a really sh*tty mic and a soundblaster sound card. Am i goin to see a difference in my sound or is it not worth buying all that stuff and wait to get a bigger budget?
Thanks in advance..


anonymous Thu, 09/04/2003 - 19:07

Originally posted by radioliver:
[QB i was thinking of buying an RNP and RNC with two SPB1s and going through an echo MIA (2inputs).
:s: [/QB]

That's sounds like a good setup, you'll certainly notice a clear difference with the soundblaster setup.

But why 2 SPB1, for overheads? a SM57 would be great to your list as well.

anonymous Thu, 09/04/2003 - 20:04

I'm a bloke but I've been a lesbian all my life, so I hope I qualify to join this thread.

Yes I agree.....anything other than a soundblaster will result in appreciable improvements and you won't be exposed to as many system problems. And Echo make some great sounding cards which are reliable and behave themselves.