Situation: Producer and Band need a place to rehearse material for upcoming CD project. Friend of a Friend recommends my place. Guys seem cool, the producer is a peer bandmate from way back. I let them know the ground rules, including a "No Smoking" policy. After their first day, the place reeks of ciggy butts. With all my insulation based acoustic treatments, the scent is gonna be around for a loooong time.
I'm pretty steamed about it, although I suspect the claI'm will be they didn't smoke in the studio, it musta wafted in from outside. But the place still stinks like an ashtray after running the AC on outside air exchange mode all night. I've had plenty of guys smoke outside my studio before and come back in to play, never to have a lingering nauseating smell like this.
Confrontation is coming. Your thoughts?...
The Denoument: The dudes said (and as you read on, it'll ring tr
The Denoument: The dudes said (and as you read on, it'll ring true) that they were very careful not to smoke in the studio. Further, they wanted to not leave butts lying outside, esp. since there's a sandbox right near the studio with kids toys etc... So, they brought the snuffed butts (the Bugler nasty hand-rolled things) INTO the studio and put 'em in the trash can (They're musicians, not rocket surgeons).
Realizing their goof, they emptied the trash can today, aired the studio out, moved the trashcan outside and smoked next door. Everything seems fine and non-stinky now.
Lesson learned though...
I would tell them to find a new place to practice and be done wi
I would tell them to find a new place to practice and be done with it. I even hate the way my equipment smells after giging in bars, my car smells like smoke the next day from transporting the gear home.