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Any specific recommendations for this?

be appropriate? I plan on keeping my 3 IBM Deskstars (system/apps, samples, audio) running off of the onboard IDE and running the CD and CD-RW off of the card.

Any problems or DAW issues with this?


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Opus2000 Sun, 03/09/2003 - 18:40

Personally I would keep the OS and CDRW on the primary IDE controller and not waste the bandwidth on the ATA controller with it. It seems like such a waste to me to do that.
The CD drive is not going to slow down the system drive in any way. Try and keep the audio data drives to themselves and not hooked up to the same controller as the system drive.
Don't know why you want an additional controller to be honest.
ATA133 and ATA100 specs are so close to each other you will not see a performance difference between the two. You'll "maybe" see a 2% difference...key word here being "maybe"!
Any reason why you plan on doing so?

anonymous Sun, 03/09/2003 - 19:28


Thanks for the reply-I was hoping you would catch this one.

The only reason for the card is that I want to add a third HD for streaming samples, and have no onboard IDE left.

I have the System drive and CD-RW on the primary, and the audio drive and cd-rom on the secondary.

I could ditch the cd-rom, but it is useful for duping discs.

What do you suggest?



Opus2000 Sun, 03/09/2003 - 19:34

Ditch the second CDR...if you want to dupe CD's do it properly and create an image to the hard drive first. You get less possible errors or even less coasters made that way!!
Use CDRWIN to create a BIN file of the CD you want to takes no time at all in fact with that program!
That way you can have two IDE's on the same secondary controller and not have to use up a PCI slot and use any un necessary bandwidth on it as well.

Opus2000 Mon, 03/10/2003 - 23:17

CDRWIN is for duping CD's. Best one for that purpose IMHO.
Say if you have a CD that's possibly scratched or has some wierd defect on it and it won't run properly because of it, you can set the read retry count to a certain level and you can actually make a new better copy of that CD!! Saved my ass a couple of times!
Nero is good for data CD's and possibly audio CD's if you don't have Wavelab(for audio) that is!


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