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Guitar rig latency problems!

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Submitted by mustadeth on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 23:06

So, today I started my home music production career :D and I bought myself an M-Audio Avid recording studio, very simple to plug and set-up got myself into playing 5 minutes after. The only problem that I have is that when I use guitar rig 5 there's an intermittent sound when it starts usually at 512 samples which makes me put it up to 2048 samples and increase the delay up to 100 ms. The lower I go on the samples the more that intermittent sound appears, when I'm on 2048 it still appears every 5 to 10 seconds and the asio4all green icon becomes red with an exclamation mark, another thing that I'm curious about is that my sample rate can only be 44100 or 48000. I have tried the antivirus deactivation, the internet connections and closing all the programs but it won't make a difference.

my specs are

Processor: AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 1.50GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.48 GB usable)
And I'm not entirely sure but I think my internal soundcard is IDT High Definition Audio CODEC? maybe?
And I'm using a M-Audio Avid Recording studio USB interface.

Thanks for your help,



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you should disable your onboard soundcard. make sure you have the latest driver for your interface. those are the first 2 things.

your interface probably only supports sample rates of 44.1/48, whic is hwy they are your only options.

if you go to device manager, and look under audio devicesm you'll see something like usb audio device, and probably that 'HD audio device' thats the onle you disable.

also did you make sure your operating system is supported by your software?

your should look up windows,( if that's what your using) optimization for audio. sweetwater website usually has some wll written guides. this will get your computer in shape for audio.

also what is the sound? a short burst of 'static', of a click/pop, a weird beep-like sound?

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 00:34 Permalink
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kmetal, post: 405219 wrote: you should disable your onboard soundcard. make sure you have the latest driver for your interface. those are the first 2 things.

your interface probably only supports sample rates of 44.1/48, whic is hwy they are your only options.

if you go to device manager, and look under audio devicesm you'll see something like usb audio device, and probably that 'HD audio device' thats the onle you disable.

also did you make sure your operating system is supported by your software?

your should look up windows,( if that's what your using) optimization for audio. sweetwater website usually has some wll written guides. this will get your computer in shape for audio.

also what is the sound? a short burst of 'static', of a click/pop, a weird beep-like sound?

I disabled the drivers and I have the latest driver for the interface but none worked, I'm looking on the optimization for audio thing and the sound is like a short burst of static, the thingy on the top right of the screen with the cup percentage goes off when the sound appears and only for half a second but the sound is cut even the tapedecks in guitar rig are stopped with this sound

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 09:15 Permalink
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After disabling the on-board sound card drivers, you may want to uninstall the M-Audio drivers and reinstall fresh. Also, it might help you to install ASIO4All, and use that as your driver instead of the M-Audio drivers.

Read the FAQ's and make sure that Asio4All is supported with your current DAW platform.

[[url=http://[/URL]=""]ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver[/]=""]ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver[/]

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 09:58 Permalink
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DonnyThompson, post: 405232 wrote: After disabling the on-board sound card drivers, you may want to uninstall the M-Audio drivers and reinstall fresh. Also, it might help you to install ASIO4All, and use that as your driver instead of the M-Audio drivers.

Read the FAQ's and make sure that Asio4All is supported with your current DAW platform.

[[url=http://[/URL]=""]ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver[/]=""]ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver[/]

Actually I was using asio4all and right now I uninstalled it to install it again but opened guitar rig before installing it back and latency is much lower, it's using a driver called WASAPI, it runs on 320 samples which makes it really noisy though and even if i put the noise gate to the max noise is still there. After installing asio4all back latency dropped to 30ms too, but it's still noisy, before even though it was delayed sound was really clear and had no noise even with the noise gate lowered down.

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 10:12 Permalink
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mustadeth, post: 405233 wrote: Actually I was using asio4all and right now I uninstalled it to install it again but opened guitar rig before installing it back and latency is much lower, it's using a driver called WASAPI, it runs on 320 samples which makes it really noisy though and even if i put the noise gate to the max noise is still there. After installing asio4all back latency dropped to 30ms too, but it's still noisy, before even though it was delayed sound was really clear and had no noise even with the noise gate lowered down.

In my experience the manufacturer's drivers for an audio device have always outperformed ASIO4ALL. I'd focus on trying to make the M-Audio drivers work and then use the M-Audio ASIO. And also do everything kmetal described.

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 12:04 Permalink
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bouldersound, post: 405246 wrote: At some point it might be good to determine how much of this is interface latency, DAW processing latency and amp sim processing latency. If the problem is DAW and/or amp sim processing time then changing interface settings won't help much.

Well I dont know if it would help but when I open the audio and MIDI settings it says the input latency is 51.2ms the processing 46.4ms and the output 2.7ms making it 100.0ms overall

I have tried everything I saw here so far and I'm giving up I was really excited to start recording at home since I always wanted to do it but now I'm reconsidering to return the interface :/ I'm gonna give it till monday so I hope you guys can help me figure this out and thanks for the fast replies

Sat, 06/01/2013 - 19:17 Permalink
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Seriously sounds to me like you have a lot of stuff completely messed up. Sounds like nothing is installed correctly.
I would highly recommend you uninstall all of your audio drivers and GuitarRig 5 for starters. Absolutely disable your internal sound card in the BIOS and remove any application sound software having to do with that. Remove ASIO4all for sure. If you can manage a cleanup and defrag of your HDD that would be good and make sure you do any of those audio tweaks to your OS whatever that didn't specify. But you want a fresh clean install of all this stuff for it to work correctly!
I'm assuming this is Win7 64bit because you mentioned WASAPI which is a Windows audio driver. It is definitely not what you need to use. You don't want anything but the ASIO driver from M-Audio to work properly. The M-Audio IS your sound card now! If it isn't working as designed then take it back and get something better!! Anything RME is better and more stable...FWIW.
Be sure to install the latest M-Audio audio driver from their website for your specific OS. Make sure it's the correct one...Win7 32bit/64bit etc etc. Make sure it's the only ASIO audio driver. Check in the Device Manager under Sound/Video device and under the USB devices that it's operating properly with no flags or yellow caution alerts!! If there are flags you done something wrong you'll need to start over! You have to get those things right first before anything else will work. And it only works one way!
Then install GuitarRig5. once it's installed and you've "cold booted" (a shut down not restart) your computer, then open GR5 in "standalone" mode the first time you run it. It's very important to always run GR5 in standalone mode first time setting it up or after changing something. That's the only way it will remember settings and work correctly as a plugin VSTi within your DAW.
Once GR5 is up let it initialize and map all the presets. Click on "File" and then "Audio & MIDI Settings". Make sure in that dialog box it shows the correct ASIO driver for the M-Audio.
Make sure you set the correct Sample Rate. I would start with the standard setting for everything @ 44.1khz. 512 as a buffer setting and then look at the latency numbers at the bottom of the dialog box. It should be around 25-28ms overall. make sure your M-Audio USB is connected and you have headphones or monitors connected to the M-Audio properly. Plug your guitar into the M-Audio. Check the GR5 "Routing" tab to make sure it is assigned to the proper M-Audio inputs and outputs. Test play and see if it all sounds right. If it doesn't then you've done something wrong. If it sounds perfect then try switching some GR5 presets around. Some of the new GR5 presets are huge and will lock up your computer or cause pops and breakups on light weight computers...sorry just a fact of life with newer Native Instrument crap. They like to bloat their software thinking you have the latest supercomputer with 64G of RAM! And if it doesn't have the power, they don't work that well.
Again if that's a deal breaker, take it back and get something better! Software, computer or sound card interface....your call on that!
After you get GR5 and the M-Audio playing nice and quiet and clean together you can then move on to your DAW.
Close the GR5 standalone mode and launch your DAW software. Make sure your DAW USB channels are setup correctly in the DAW's I/O and the M-Audio ASIO driver is loaded and running. You can typically find a readout of latency numbers in most DAW's that tells you an overall round trip delay for the ASIO driver and sample rate for the interface your using somewhere.
Start a new project and you should see a VSTi plugin for Native Instruments GR5 in your track plugin pull downsmenu. Select one and monitor it in record to make sure there is no added noticeable latency or noise....if something doesn't work or sounds bad then go back and check all your setting and installs...
It all has to go together perfect or it just won't work....the reason for that is it's all digital logic and digital logic only works correctly one way always. Once it's right you'll know it's right and it will work like that until you change something.
Hope that helps

Sun, 06/02/2013 - 00:05 Permalink
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djmukilteo, post: 405255 wrote: Seriously sounds to me like you have a lot of stuff completely messed up. Sounds like nothing is installed correctly.
I would highly recommend you uninstall all of your audio drivers and GuitarRig 5 for starters. Absolutely disable your internal sound card in the BIOS and remove any application sound software having to do with that. Remove ASIO4all for sure. If you can manage a cleanup and defrag of your HDD that would be good and make sure you do any of those audio tweaks to your OS whatever that didn't specify. But you want a fresh clean install of all this stuff for it to work correctly!
I'm assuming this is Win7 64bit because you mentioned WASAPI which is a Windows audio driver. It is definitely not what you need to use. You don't want anything but the ASIO driver from M-Audio to work properly. The M-Audio IS your sound card now! If it isn't working as designed then take it back and get something better!! Anything RME is better and more stable...FWIW.
Be sure to install the latest M-Audio audio driver from their website for your specific OS. Make sure it's the correct one...Win7 32bit/64bit etc etc. Make sure it's the only ASIO audio driver. Check in the Device Manager under Sound/Video device and under the USB devices that it's operating properly with no flags or yellow caution alerts!! If there are flags you done something wrong you'll need to start over! You have to get those things right first before anything else will work. And it only works one way!
Then install GuitarRig5. once it's installed and you've "cold booted" (a shut down not restart) your computer, then open GR5 in "standalone" mode the first time you run it. It's very important to always run GR5 in standalone mode first time setting it up or after changing something. That's the only way it will remember settings and work correctly as a plugin VSTi within your DAW.
Once GR5 is up let it initialize and map all the presets. Click on "File" and then "Audio & MIDI Settings". Make sure in that dialog box it shows the correct ASIO driver for the M-Audio.
Make sure you set the correct Sample Rate. I would start with the standard setting for everything @ 44.1khz. 512 as a buffer setting and then look at the latency numbers at the bottom of the dialog box. It should be around 25-28ms overall. make sure your M-Audio USB is connected and you have headphones or monitors connected to the M-Audio properly. Plug your guitar into the M-Audio. Check the GR5 "Routing" tab to make sure it is assigned to the proper M-Audio inputs and outputs. Test play and see if it all sounds right. If it doesn't then you've done something wrong. If it sounds perfect then try switching some GR5 presets around. Some of the new GR5 presets are huge and will lock up your computer or cause pops and breakups on light weight computers...sorry just a fact of life with newer Native Instrument crap. They like to bloat their software thinking you have the latest supercomputer with 64G of RAM! And if it doesn't have the power, they don't work that well.
Again if that's a deal breaker, take it back and get something better! Software, computer or sound card interface....your call on that!
After you get GR5 and the M-Audio playing nice and quiet and clean together you can then move on to your DAW.
Close the GR5 standalone mode and launch your DAW software. Make sure your DAW USB channels are setup correctly in the DAW's I/O and the M-Audio ASIO driver is loaded and running. You can typically find a readout of latency numbers in most DAW's that tells you an overall round trip delay for the ASIO driver and sample rate for the interface your using somewhere.
Start a new project and you should see a VSTi plugin for Native Instruments GR5 in your track plugin pull downsmenu. Select one and monitor it in record to make sure there is no added noticeable latency or noise....if something doesn't work or sounds bad then go back and check all your setting and installs...
It all has to go together perfect or it just won't work....the reason for that is it's all digital logic and digital logic only works correctly one way always. Once it's right you'll know it's right and it will work like that until you change something.
Hope that helps

Thanks so much! I'm gonna try all this throughout the day and yea I thought about a cleanup of my hdd actually restoring my complete computer, it is a mess sad thing is I have to find an external hdd for all the downloads I have including the DAWs :/ Nonetheless I will update as soon as I try this, it should work.

Sun, 06/02/2013 - 05:01 Permalink
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mustadeth, post: 405258 wrote: Thanks so much! I'm gonna try all this throughout the day and yea I thought about a cleanup of my hdd actually restoring my complete computer, it is a mess sad thing is I have to find an external hdd for all the downloads I have including the DAWs :/ Nonetheless I will update as soon as I try this, it should work.

One thing you should also have if your doing a cleanup and fresh start is a second HDD either internal or external for your recorded tracks from your DAW. That way your OS, drivers and applications can live on the primary HDD and your recorded tracks will be streamed and saved onto the secondary. Internal HDD can be faster by using the internal HDD IDE or SATA controller as opposed to another external HDD using the USB hub ports and considering you're using a USB interface device the internal SATA or IDE would be preferred. External USB drives are nice for storage and backup but can slow things down when they're on the same bus as a bunch of other printers, mice, keyboards etc etc...Adding more RAM will always help as well. With what you have there I would make it a bare bones machine with as little stuff on it as and light and specific for recording...don't install any wifi features or cards, if you want internet keep it and any antivirus apps disabled from running while your doing any playing or recording. Those all have a nasty habit of starting up on there own right in the middle of recording and will glitch out your track.

This is a free DPC Latency checker that you should run once your computer is ready which will help you find things running in the background of your computer that will cause delays, pops, clicks and hiccups with audio streaming and recording...Hope that helps..Good luck!

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.thesycon…"]DPC Latency Checker[/]="http://www.thesycon…"]DPC Latency Checker[/]

Sun, 06/02/2013 - 10:51 Permalink