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Hey guys, I'm having trouble recording with MIDI in Pro Tools(not only midi but mostly) When recording audio from a MIDI recording there is a latency of about, well it depends... I move the buffer size around from 1024/512 to 128, sometimes to 64. but as the session gets bigger, it gets to be a problem.
Is there any way of changing this without the hassle?


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anonymous Tue, 12/07/2004 - 19:31

1 Ghz Powerbook G4, 1 GB Ram. I have a yamaha Motif with MIDI cables going into my DIGI 002 Rack.
The way I record is, first do a MIDI track of whatever, then record it as audio from the edited MIDI. The audio(in this case, usually a Motif patch) then is routed to Apogee Mini-Me pre and into the S/PDF input in the DIGI rack. I get this problem starting out with one track(bouncing between the MIDI track and the audio track) and when I have enough tracks, a buffer size of 64 starts to be a problem. No plug-ins yet, waiting until all tracking is done so I can handle this problem more easily.


Kev Fri, 12/10/2004 - 12:02

Welcome to midi and for that matter Native Systems.

As you have found even an all hardware Midi system can have latency. Some synths are better than others and some sequencers are better than others. Don't forget that the sound patch can have an influence on how things feel.

Protools does have a global offset and a track offset for midi.

Do an audio pass and adjust the track offset. Try a few patches and midi track numbers to get to know your Motif and 002 midi port.

If I am doing a midi or even a normal session with some midi I will do small test bounces during the day just to be sure all is working as I want.

Especially as the session stars to get larger and the demand on the computer grows.