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Hi all,

I'm looking for an audio editor for use with SONAR 4PE. I have an old library of recordings on tape that were made with a Tascam 488. Now I want to transfer and save those recordings to digital without the hiss and extra noise. I know Adobe's Audition and Bias' SoundSoap can be used for this purpose, but I am not that familiar with either.

Can anyone suggest a reliable plugin editor that is compatible with SONAR (VST, DXI or Rewire)? Any leads and feedback would be greatly appreciated.




anonymous Wed, 09/28/2005 - 03:16


Greetings tecknot,

As I understand it, and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, there aren't any plug-in editors. Editors (that I know of) are standalone programmes used for (mainly) stereo editing of 'final' mixes and/or individual (mono or stereo) tracks.

I'd suggest downloading as many demos as you can get your mitts on and seeing which one you like the best.


jonyoung Wed, 09/28/2005 - 06:28

Why not just transfer into Sonar and do your noise reduction processing there? I use S3 PE and only use my editor after mixing. Any "mastering " I do on a mix in the editor is done with the same menu of plug ins I have available to me in Sonar. If you want an inexpensive editor that you can do all this transfer work in without going to Sonar (another perfectly acceptible solution) check out Acoustica by Acon Digital Media. It's around $30 and will handle 24 bit files and supports DXI.

Cucco Wed, 09/28/2005 - 07:04

Maybe I'm misreading something or need some coffee -

I don't understand - you're asking for an editor, but you have Sonar. Sonar, to some degree, is an editor.

What are you specifically wanting to do? If you only want to load a 2-track audio file and do some noise reduction, Sonar (and just about any other audio recording program) will perform fades, splices, edits, and allow the application of effects (such as Noise Reduction, etc.), so will without a doubt do what you need to do.

If you are needing a genuine mastering program - something designed for mastering, your choices get shorter:


Samplitude Mastering Edition
Adobe Audition (kinda - not REALLY designed as a mastering suite, but its 2-track editor is kinda decent)


Pyramix Native (or Mastering bundle, but jack the price up for Master pack - you need all sorts of add-in cards)


Sonic Studio

The good news is, based on what I'm reading and understanding, you don't need any of those. Sonar will do just fine.


anonymous Sun, 10/02/2005 - 21:43

Thanks for the replies all.

Sorry for not being clear. What I'm looking for is actually a wave editor. I've read about the ability to edit the actual wave form using Audition and SoundForge, though not in much detail. I want to be able to clean up the audio transfering from analog tape (a Tascam 488) to the PC via SONAR. SONAR itself does not seem to have this capability.

I'm hoping to find some first hand accounts on the use and quality of such programs. A plug-in would be ideal, but I would consider a separate sequencer for the task. If anyone can give me some insight, I would greatly appreciate it.


anonymous Tue, 10/04/2005 - 08:22

tecknot wrote: I'm hoping to find some first hand accounts on the use and quality of such programs. A plug-in would be ideal, but I would consider a separate sequencer for the task. If anyone can give me some insight, I would greatly appreciate it.


I have/use SoundForge (now on version 8.0b and includes CD Architect 5.2) which I find very easy to use as well as producing good results. A lot of people prefer Wavelab and by all accounts it has greater functionality, but I've never used it myself (except in it's 'lite' version, which came with my PC) so I can't offer any comment on which is best.

Like I said earlier, your best bet is to get hold of as many demo downloads as you can and try them out for yourself.

Good luck.

anonymous Mon, 10/10/2005 - 17:44

tecknot wrote: I have an old library of recordings on tape that were made with a Tascam 488. Now I want to transfer and save those recordings to digital without the hiss and extra noise.

I would advise to record the hiss and other noise as well from the 488 into whatever you are recording to. And then filter it after its recorded.

I dont recommend transcribing to digital with the 'noise reduction' being recorded. If you need to change something you wont be able to since it was recorded like that in the first place.

doubleJ Wed, 10/12/2005 - 14:03

I do my editing with audition and previously cool edit. I think anything that can use fft's will do what you're wanting, audition being included. It does have built-in hiss/pop removal and such, but the fft's are really where it gets good, because you can customize the noise reduction to that particular file. Just find what is most considered silence from the track and apply a filter to the whole file.
With that in mind, a bad noise reduction can really screw up the audio. You'll definately want to test.

dabmeister music Fri, 10/21/2005 - 17:54

I second SPYs request on Sound Forge 8.0 & CD Architec 5.2. I've been a user of this program since version 4.5 & CDA 4.0. I used a version of wavelab back when it was bundled with Cubase VST 3.7, but favored Sound Forge because it was more "Rock Solid & Reliable" than the other programs I used. And that still holds true today. I just upgraded to SF 8.0 and it came bundled with CDA 5.2 as well as the Noise Reduction 2.0 "plug-in". It's also loaded with a ton of effects & processes for mastering. Also by it being DXI compliant, you can import & use other FX's from other host programs too. Currently Sony is offering a nice rebate on this package until the end of this year. All I can say is, "it's well worth it, for what you have to pay for it".

TeddyG Sat, 10/29/2005 - 08:53

Sounds to me like what you want is a "noise reduction/click/pop plug-in", to help make your old recordings sound "better"(Which is sometimes relative)?

Sonar IS your "editor", the software to transfer your songs to and then use the plug-in with and prepare those songs for CD's or whatever. There are many options, depending on the type of plug-in's Sonar will work with - VST, etc. Most plug-in makers offer trial downloads to hear how they work, though, read about all of them and download only the one or two that sound "most right" for you. Too many of these trial downloads that never quite uninstall after the trial can mess up your computer something fierce. Actually, reading reviews and company web site info alone should allow you to pick just one and "go with it". Since you won't have true experience with any of them whatever you do pick, that seems to offer all you need, you won't know(Or care) the difference whether it or some other software is 3% better or not - you'll be fine......



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