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I went to a flea market today, and a guy had a Beta 58 for sale. I asked how much he wanted, basically out of curiousity, and he said $50. My jaw nearly dropped, but I don't have the cash even for the $50 right now. If he would have said $40, I might have done it anyway. Sorry if this is in the wrong area, wasn't sure where to post it. I just had to tell somebody. I really wanted that mic, though. On an upper, I bought that guitar I put of the recording gear for. It's really nice for the money. Not quite the quality of the Gibson I was playing, but for under $200, it's better than even I expected. The sound is great, and the electronics work great, but feel leaves a touch to be desired. The action has already been lowered twice, and I'm about to do it again. The neck is great too, by the way, the only problem is action.

Sorry for the long post.

Here's a link to it:


anonymous Wed, 04/29/2009 - 16:48

That's what I keep telling myself, but I'm trying to start a band, and I'm gonna need some good live mics. So... the beta 58 would have been really nice for what I need. I may just save up and buy that kit of SM57s and 58s, cause that'll be about the right amount of mics, and I can use 'em in the home "studio" when I get it built.
EDIT: Oops, not built. Put together. Sorry for the poor choice of words.

anonymous Thu, 04/30/2009 - 05:15

Yeah, you don't live around here, do ya? A lot of the stuff I'll probably be doing won't have any mics to lend, and I'd prefer not to hire anyone.

EDIT: I was just thinking, and you are probably right. Most of the places that don't have mics, we probably won't even need them. Sorry about that quick retort. Boy, I keep eating my words on this forum.

jg49 Thu, 04/30/2009 - 05:58

What IIRs said may be true in the UK but in the US most small venue halls, bars, nightclubs, coffee houses expect the band to supply a PA, usually and sadly as part of the measly amount they pay or worse yet for free. The cost of using a rental usually comes to what most of these places seem willing to pay. If you are playing electric with a drummer I don't see how you could possibly sing at a volume for two hours that could be heard unless you have a much stronger vocal ability than most and can do so without becoming hoarse.

dvdhawk Thu, 04/30/2009 - 09:50

Don't worry there will be plenty of other once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. :)

A word of advice: If you ever buy a new state-of-the-art computer you cannot open up another computer catalog for at least 2 years. If this $50 Beta 58 made you sick, you will become catatonic when you think about how much value a cutting edge computer loses in a year or two.

anonymous Thu, 04/30/2009 - 17:57

I'm actually starting a Christian band, so it shouldn't be loud, and all the members I have at the moment are me (acoustic and vocals) and a good friend (female vocalist). I'm hoping for some other members, but haven't found any to invite yet. I'm hoping to do most of my gigs in churches and such, so most of them should have a good enough PA for a small band. I didn't think about the coffee houses, I know of one about 30 min. away from my house that might let a Christian group play, but it's small enough I shouldn't need a PA for it, especially if I don't find a drummer.

anonymous Thu, 04/30/2009 - 18:15

I know a little about computers. I watch my brothers computer (that he built about 5 or 6 months ago) and it hasn't really been outdone yet. Of course, he used the best parts available, and NVidia had just put out a new run of parts. The only thing that has changed at all are the prices. I'm just upset about the Beta 58 because it's the one time I ever could afford one before I'm 25, and I didn't have the cash.

anonymous Fri, 05/01/2009 - 14:46

I couldn't play metal. I don't even listen to metal. I can't really stand metal. The hardest thing I ever listen to is a little Mettalica every now and again. No, I'm talking more of a "contemporary Christian" sound. Mostly an acoustic guitar or two, maybe an electric, a set of drums, a piano/keyboard, and a bass. As of right now, I have two vocalists, and one guitarists (two members). I still have a few to go.

anonymous Tue, 06/30/2009 - 02:15

I led worship in the past, and we were loud

just a thought

I also am now in a metal band

another thought

As for needing a PA
If you focusing on churches, then no reason to buy one right now, but they do have functions at parks and other gathering where it would be useful, not a priority

And I say good for you for starting a christian band, I was in a worship band where I played drums, and we played around at other churches, it was a blast!!!!

anonymous Tue, 06/30/2009 - 18:06

When our band was rehearsing at a rehersal studio the mics they provided were Shure PG48s. I asked the owner and he said they were pretty rugged and took some abuse and they weren't going to risk real Sm58's. They didnt sound to bad for back vocals. Lead vocals I would look for a better mic. The price I think is $40. They are not good for recording just as a side note. You pretty much get what you can start and if it works out move up from there. We even used a powered mixer to run vocals and just rented the speakers and monitors for gigs. Another way to go is get a single powered monitor and mixer and just rent the Speakers and amp for gigs. We managed to get the owner of the establishment to cover the rentals for the equipment since he wasn't paying us and we were drawing in a lot of business for him.

anonymous Tue, 06/30/2009 - 20:11

Thanks, that's good to know. I don't know what kind of backups I'll have right now, but I'll probably pick up a few for that. I'll probably get some SMs for everything else, though. As it looks now, I won't have to worry about drum mics. I can't find one. Or a bassist either. Right now it's just me, but I have prospects on another guitarist and a pianist. I guess we could get started with that. At least practicing, anyway. I don't know. I'll just have to see how the summer goes.