This plugin is supposed to listen to an audio clip (like Melodyne does) and make corrections based on that. But it just stays on the "Waiting for you to play audio..." screen. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post but I didn't see any other forum for, let's say plugins/software. I can't find an iZotope owned forum either.
Have you tried playing the audio in the session, just pressing p
Have you tried playing the audio in the session, just pressing play?
I have nectar but havent used it much yet.
Izotop does have alot of video tutorials for their products.
Ricky Wayne Hunt, post: 463723, member: 51861 wrote: This plugin
What DAW are you using? Which version of Nectar: VST2 or VST3? Samplitude, for instance, has problems with several Izotope VST3- version plugs. The VST2 versions seem to work better.
ZephyrPark, post: 463777, member: 51094 wrote: What DAW are you
Said Nectar....meant Neutron, but it applies to both.