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Master Clocks

Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 09:38

I was originally looking into purchasing a Big Ben or Antelope Isochrone, but I now have an opportunity to buy a Lucid SSG192 for half the price (used). I think I'm gonna go for it, but is there anything I should know first?


Your welcome. Ya, a better mic, mic pre, compressor, monitors, room acoustics any or all would likely give more for your money unless you already have all of that covered. And you could always add the external clock at a latter time.

You may try to get a hold of one (rent or borrow) and see what it dies for you in your specific setup. That is the only true way to tell if you are getting any improvement.

Mon, 01/23/2006 - 10:29 Permalink

I tend to agree with Gaff here!

Clock generators are great if you need to connect a bunch of gear. The subjective "benefits" of externally clocking gear are, in my ears, snake oil at best.

I've never heard a converter go from sh*tty to awesome by clocking it externally.

I HAVE however heard serious clocking issues resolved by this, but that's when you're running out of a DAW into a Weiss EQ, then into the TC 6000 then out of a DA into analog to monitor and limit and then back into digital to mix down.

Then, you'd need a generator - maybe. :D

Go blow your money on MUCH cooler things!


Mon, 01/23/2006 - 10:45 Permalink