It really depends on the style of music and what you are trying to achieve by micing them.
I usually mic them in the context of a studio orchestra. For that I'll use a single small diaphragm condenser microphone sort of centered over the set about 3-4 feet over the drums. My preferred mics are usually Neumann KM 140s or Schoeps CMC6-MK4. It should be noted, however, that the main pickup is with a microphone array going across the front of the orchestra. The timp mic is simply a spot microphone.
If I needed a more present sound for some sort of a pop recording, I would probably use 2 mics spaced over the 4 drums or perhaps 4 mics at a closer distance. Like a drum set, though, I usually consider the timpani a single instrument and have it mic'd to reflect that.
It really depends on the style of music and what you are trying
It really depends on the style of music and what you are trying to achieve by micing them.
I usually mic them in the context of a studio orchestra. For that I'll use a single small diaphragm condenser microphone sort of centered over the set about 3-4 feet over the drums. My preferred mics are usually Neumann KM 140s or Schoeps CMC6-MK4. It should be noted, however, that the main pickup is with a microphone array going across the front of the orchestra. The timp mic is simply a spot microphone.
If I needed a more present sound for some sort of a pop recording, I would probably use 2 mics spaced over the 4 drums or perhaps 4 mics at a closer distance. Like a drum set, though, I usually consider the timpani a single instrument and have it mic'd to reflect that.