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Hey guys. Looking for a cheap way to control my recording software with hardware as i hate doing it by mouse.

In that the type of product i can connect in to my DAW and handle mixing duties with?

My other idea was a stereomixer and an interface with a LOT of outs... just asign each track out to a channel on the mixer then route back from the output.

Which is the best way to go about it?


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cfaalm Wed, 02/22/2006 - 03:08

Your Majesty, I agree with your idea to have something other than a mouse controlling your DAW. This Alesis does not look like what you are looking for. There is no mentioning of it being a control surface.

The best way to go is to read a bit here

You'll find that most digital mixers can double as a control surface, some control surfaces provide inputs without being a standalone mixer, some control surfaces are just that: a control surface.

Good luck.

Thomas W. Bethel Wed, 02/22/2006 - 05:58

M-Audio is coming out with just such a mixer/control surface. You can read about it here I have one on order from GC to try out. I was NOT impressed with the Mackie control surface for Samplitude and will wait to see what this is like. I would probably NOT be using the mic preamps in the board since I have outboard preamps.