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I got a pair of B-ULS and a single (gold) XLS and ever since buying my SM7B and Great River preamp, I haven't used them. I either go for the SM7B or my AT4050 I'm trying to figure out if I should sell them or if there is some other practical use for them. Could they be used to record an upright bass? Audio-Technica

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DonnyThompson Mon, 06/01/2015 - 21:35

Tampa Recording, post: 429501, member: 49102 wrote: if I should sell them or if there is some other practical use for them.

This has to be the first time I've ever encountered someone who has three 414's - which is one of the most-often used mics in the last 40 years of recording history - and doesn't know what to do with them. :confused:

The 414 is a great mic, and can be used on virtually everything.

Because of its patterns, they can be paired together and used in XY, M-S, Blumlien arrays. Sensitivity is exceptional, as is the bandwidth and SPL.

You can use them on:

OH Drum Mics
Acoustic Guitar ( or any acoustic instrument, such as Violin, Cello, Mandolin, Upright Bass, etc)
Guitar Amps
String Sections
Vocal Sections
Bass Cabinets
Leslie Cabinets
Drums - snare, kick, toms, hh

The list is endless. It's probably a lot easier to list the things that you can't use them on... wait... I'm thinking... Nah. I got nothin'. They're great for everything.
(I guess if I had to pick, I'd say to avoid using them to mic a chainsaw... and not because it wouldn't make the chainsaw sound good, but because you'd probably want to avoid getting wood shavings and sap all over the mic. )

As long as you pair them with good preamps, ( the Great River you have would be perfect, although of course, you can only use as many channels as your pre as) and know how to place them, and know about mic technique in general, they are fantastic mics to have and use.

Not that there's anything wrong with your SM7... but they are two distinctly different mic models and types.

If you haven't yet tried one of those 414's through your pre and on vocals, well....let's just say that you should. ;)

kmetal Wed, 06/03/2015 - 13:47

Tampa Recording, post: 429501, member: 49102 wrote: I got a pair of B-ULS and a single (gold) XLS and ever since buying my SM7B and Great River preamp, I haven't used them. I either go for the SM7B or my AT4050 I'm trying to figure out if I should sell them or if there is some other practical use for them. Could they be used to record an upright bass?

They are good on everything, and great on some things. The sm57 of LDCs!!!!!!


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