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I have a 002 with balanced and unbalanced 1/4" connections for the monitors and the analog outputs. I was given a good pair of studio monitors (Model SBM by Tannoy, if anyone knows them) that I want to use, but they have a screw-type connector - I apologize for not knowing the name of the connector type.

The connector has a red and black sheath that you screw onto a hollow metal sleeve. I assume that you insert a contact into this sleeve and then screw the outside plastic ring down to tighten.

My questions are: what is this connector type called, will I be able to purchase a cable to connect this to a 1/4" unbalanced jack, and could I possible make a cable myself by cutting the end off of a cable I already have?

Sorry if these are overly simplistic questions, but my other monitors had balanced 1/4" connectors and I have never had to deal with this connector type.


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moonbaby Wed, 08/24/2005 - 08:50

What you are describing on the Tannoys is a pair of (red and black) binding posts to hook a POWER AMP to them. The "monitor" out on the 002 is a line level output to a POWER AMP ( or powered speakers, i.e, "active").Sounds like the Tannoys are "passive", so you'll have to insert a POWER AMP in between them...Hint: do the Tannoys (I could not find that model on their website) have AC power connectors on them? If not, they are passive and need to be powered. The 002 alone will not suffice...


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