Someone was asking me for this a while ago and I forgot all about it until I came across it today.
Note / # Note / # Note / # Note / #
C-2=0 C-1=12 C0=24 C1=36
C#=1 C#=13 C#=25 C#=37
D=2 D=14 D=26 D=38
D#=3 D#=15 D#=27 D#=39
E=4 E=16 E=28 E=40
F=5 F=17 F=29 F=41
F#=6 F#=18 F#30 F#=42
G=7 G=19 G=31 G=43
G#=8 G#=20 G#=32 G#=44
A=9 A=21 A=33 A=45
A#=10 A#=22 A#=34 A#=46
B=11 B=23 B=35 B=47
Note / # Note / # Note / # Note / #
C2=48 C3=60 C4=72 C5=84
C#=49 C#=61 C#=73 C#=85
D=50 D=62 D=74 D=86
D#=51 D#=63 D#=75 D#=87
E=52 E=64 E=76 E=88
F=53 F=65 F=77 F=89
F#=54 F#=66 F#=78 F#=90
G=55 G=67 G=79 G=91
G#=56 G#=68 G#=80 G#=92
A=57 A=69 A=81 A=93
A#=58 A#=70 A#=82 A#=94
B=59 B=71 B=83 B=95
Note# Note# Note# Note#
C6=96 C7=108 C8=120 -
C#=97 C#=109 C#=121 -
D=98 D=110 D=122 -
D#=99 D#=111 D#=123 -
E=100 E=112 E=124 -
F=101 F=113 F=125 -
F#=102 F#=114 F#126 -
G=103 G=115 G=127
8 November 2001
Howdy We should note (so to speak) that some manufacturers rega
We should note (so to speak) that some manufacturers regard C4 as middle C. Yamaha uses C3 to indicate middle C. As long as one remembers that the C in the middle of the keyboard is note number 60 (3C in hex), everything will be fine.