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Well, I finally have all of my components. The last thing to get here will be the case, and it is on a UPS truck, on its' way to my house. And so it starts...
Since I'm saving for SS32, which is not host-based, I decided to go with a less expensive but adequate PC. Here's what I have:
Codegen ATX9001 case
Codegen 300xx AMD-approved 350 watt PS
ECS K7S5A mobo
AMD Athlon 950
128Mb Micron cas2 133 SDRAM
Thermalright SK6 with Delta 60mm fan
Appian Jeronimo Pro Video
Sony VAIO (Trinitron) monitor CPD-120VS
Soundblaster CT4170 (Vibra 16XV chip)
Quantum Fireball Plus 10G h/d (crap that came in my Mac)
Creative Labs 52x CDROM
Mitsumi Floppy
POS Actiontec PCI Lite Modem
Turbo Media keyboard
Logitech Trackman Marble+
I have Winblows 98SE, 2000, and XP Pro. I've never used 2000, but I'd like to use it on this system. What are the pros and cons to using 2000? Comments or advice? Driver problems?
I have a friend here in Pahrump who builds and repairs puters, but he's on vacation. If anyone here has any tips or advice to offer on building from scratch, it would be very kindly appreciated. I've been gathering my components for a long time, and now that I have it all, ummm, it's kinda scary AMD's online building info seems very thorough, though, and I doubt that I'll have any real problems.
BTW ... this whole system cost me less than $500!
Now where's that damn UPS truck?


Tommy P. Mon, 03/11/2002 - 15:16

Yeah, I've been eating Chinese food and typing, I need to find a better take-out joint though, the whole family complained tonight :D .
And yet more. It seems its been possible for the CPU to not sit properly in the socket, while the locking pin is supposedly down. This may be hard for you to retry, because you'll have to scrape off the thermal pad and apply some thermal grease.

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 15:33

OK, power plug disconncted, monitor disconnected, battery out, pins 1&2 are shorted.
The ram is in the right slot. I've cleaned the contacts on the ram and the video card (eraser then alcohol) and put them in and out several times.
I'll try the power switch/reset switch thing when I turn it back on after the 10 minutes.

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 15:43

No AGP cards ... the old PC had onboard video. However, I was in the BIOS before, and set it to PCI video, so I wouldn't think that would still be an issue. Plus, it did work initially, before I had gotten into the BIOS, so that pretty much tells us that the AGP thing isn't an issue.
KEWL ... I just remembered I have an old 2Mb Diamond Stealth 3D card here! It's PCI, too, but if it works, I'll know the video card is blown ... God, I hope not!

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 16:34

I heard about that ... start Dark Side Of The Moon when the Lion roars the 2nd time, and you have a cool alternate soundtrack.
Well, I have good news and bad news:
The good news: My video card isn't fried.
The bad news: I need to see what Newegg's DOA policy is. I hope I don't get slapped with having to pay for shipping it back to them, a 15% restocking fee, and a shipping charge to send me a new one. I wonder if they'll let me apply the amount of this motherboard to a different one. This really sux the big one!

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 17:01

I just really don't need all that power for anything. A 950 Athlon with 192Mb SDRAM will do everything I need it to do with power to spare. I'm thinking about going with either the Asus A7A133 or the iWill KD266. Do you know anything about either of these boards? I'm leaning toward the Asus just for the name...

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 17:29

Why would I have the same prob with a different mobo? This video card is a KILLER! I doubt VERY much that the video card caused all of this. PCI video cards are not unusual, and any WORKING mobo should work with one.
As I said, a 950 Athlon will do everything I need, but a Celeron of the same price will not. My Dad has a Celeron 900 machine, and it's a total POS. The Pentium3s are ridiculously over-priced.

Tommy P. Mon, 03/11/2002 - 17:41

I meant the same problem with another K7S5A and a PCI vid card. You picked a tough board to try out for a first time build.LOL.

You're right. the Celeron is no match in power for the Duron or the Athlon. I say, "let Opus show us the way!" BTW, I checked newegg's site, the Athlons are a good bargain. :D

Opus2000 Mon, 03/11/2002 - 17:44

:eek: what in the wide wide world of sports is a goin on here? I hired you boys to lay some tracks not dance aroung like a bunch of kansas city faggots....Slim Pickens..."Blazing Saddles"

Boh oh Boy...or should I say Son oh Son!!
This is not looking good man..Ya know...I wished I paid attention more to what chipset you had on that mainboard...after all I went thru with the Sis645 chipset you would think that there is a trend going on here so far...
Down with Sis!!!!! Get a new mainboard SOS.. long beep followed by three short beeps is Video problems..One beep in a loop is memory not installed or present
Unplug the fans completely SOS..
First unplug power...
Next, disconnect all IDE cables from devices and mainboard..unplug power from drives and CDROMS..
Do the Coms Clear WITH the battery in...when you place the jumper do not let it sit on there for more than 20 seconds while the battery is plugged in..return jumper for cmos back to default setting..Fllow the next step as follows:

All I want you to have plugged in at this point is the floppy, Video card, hard drive and CDROM...
Lets do it this way...set the hard drive to single mode attach it to the last connector of the IDE cable off of the primary bus..
make the CDROM a sinlge as well and same scenario as the hard drive but on the secondary IDE port.
Power everything and turn the system on..again, dont use the fans right now...just the CPU fan of course..when you boot the system up do you hear a POST beep? tell us what happens from there..
Quick question...can you at all get into the BIOS?
You have tried both monitor ports on the Appian right?(it is a dual vid card right?)
Opus :confused:

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 17:54

Yeah, I doubt very much that the video card should pose a problem, especially this one in particular. It's an Appian Jeronimo Pro, a very good card from a top-notch company. The plan is to get a Samsung 955DF monitor to go on the other side, so I really won't have a use for built-in video, or a separate video card, just because it's AGP. Know what I mean?

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 18:06

Okidoki ... few questions:
1.) Do you guys have Yahoo messnger? It sure would be easier.
2.) "set the hard drive to single mode" ... ummm, what does that mean?
3.) What is a "POST beep"?
4.) The case fans have been unplugged since Saturday ... the case has both sides off of it.
5.) Can I get into the BIOS? CAN I GET INTO THE BIOS? ROTFLMFAO ... Dude, I don't have a VIDEO signal still!
Anywho ... I'll be waiting for your reply to this before I can start your list. THANKS OPUS!

anonymous Mon, 03/11/2002 - 18:41

SOS - Just spotted a possible solution to a couple of your problems.

1st - Your Floppy Drive. When you power up does the light just stay on and never goes out? If so, you might have the cable on upside down. Sometimes those cables do not have a polarizing notch on them and they can be inadvertantly rotated 180 degrees wrong. Most are Polarized on one connector and not on the other. Check on it and see if it helps. Hope this makes sense.

2nd - You said you have the HDD as a Maser on IDE1 and the CD-Rom as a slave on IDE2. If this is the case, shouldn't the CD-Rom also be a Master? It's on its own channel. A machine I built a month ago, I put the HDD on IDE1 as a Master and the CD-Rom on IDE2 as a Master as well.

Good Luck,


SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 19:00

FDD ... red stripe goes nearest to power-in ... red stripe is on the right side.
I tried setting the jumper on the cdrom to both master and slave ... it only changes it's appearance in the BIOS as far as Primary/secondary master/slave, doesn't affect whether it works or not. Boot-up device order determines where stuff is in the chain anyway.
That's the least of my problems. Right now, I'm just trying to get a video signal. I can't do ANYTHING without that!

Opus2000 Mon, 03/11/2002 - 19:32

POST=Power On Self Test...the CMOS goes thru a cycle and checks everything..if there's no error you hear a single "beep"..if there are errors what I posted before applies..
One beep in a loop means beep followed by three beeps is video..
You said you heard one beep..if you listen closely do you hear any other beeps?
I cant hang on either since I need to catch up on some sleep...
I have MSN messenger, and ICQ...I am registered with the AOL and Yahoo but I havent reinstalled them since the system clean I did!
Good luck man

SonOfSmawg Mon, 03/11/2002 - 21:25

I think this thread is long enough, so let's call this the end of it ... if nothing else but to give me closure on this nightmare ... lol.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped me through this for your help, advice, patience, and time. If nothing else, this thread has proven that RO is here to help, and people here REALLY DO go the extra mile to help their fellow members.