I would like to increase the number of inputs to my Yamaha Stagepas 400i
The Yamaha Stagepas 400i mixer has i/p of 4 x mono mic/line + 4 mono / 2 stereo line
Channel functions
Hi-Z switch: CH4, ST/MONO switch: CH5/6-7/8
I am considering purchasing the Yamaha MG12 mixer
http://www.Yamahapr… to daisy chain to the Yamaha Stagepas 400i mixer and thus increase the available number of inputs.
the Yamaha MG12 mixer has output channels as follows
I have been reading the user manual for the Yamaha MG10 and also the MG 12 mixer (downloaded user manuals from Yamaha website) but cannot find the answer to a question.
Which of the output options (connectors) would I use on the MG 10 and/or MG 12 mixers to connect to the input of the Yamaha Stagepas 400i?
I have read elsewhere on the Forum warnings, in a very useful Feb 2012 posting, about overloading the preamps on a daisy chained mixer input, and so I am aware not to use the XLR inputs unless I can lower the signal strength but I am also unsure which of the remaining input sockets I should use to take the output from the MG12 . Be aware than my knowledge level meant that my total comprehension of the Feb 2012 postings was limited somewhat :-)
I also wondered if I should use a passive DI box in the connection somewhere to reduce any unwanted system noise?
Most of the work the band does is live stage performance - we record simply into a Roland CDU device
Band composition is Guitars x 4, (lead, rhythm, 12 string, bass), Keyboard, Drums; Vocalists up to 3. Two guitarists use Helicon effects boxes, nominally in mono mode to reduce the demand for inputs at the mixer.
Any advice appreciated.
The simple answer to your question is to use a pair of XLR(F) to
The simple answer to your question is to use a pair of XLR(F) to TRS plug cables to go from the L and R main (stereo) outputs of the MG12 to the L and R inputs of one of the stereo channels on the Stagepas 400i. While it may be possible to overload the 400i if you were to use maximum output from the MG12, the thing to do is to make use of the master fader pair on the MG12 to keep its output level to just below the maximum input on the Stagepas.
I hire out Stagepas units from my stock, and frequently get people asking how to connect them to an existing mixer or other sound system. Provided it's for something like PA work or foldback monitoring rather than for studio-quality recording, there should not be a problem in using a separate mixer as an input expander. Given that you have only 3 vocals, I would put those directly into the Stagepas XLR inputs (they will be mono) and all the instruments and effects through the separate mixer; effectively the Stagepas is just acting as a power amp for the non-vocal channels in this case.
Another tip I warn hirers about is that the Stagepas units do not really like reproducing bass guitar channels at anywhere near maximum volume - with this sort of input there is a tendency for the Stagepas to trip its overload cutout and all goes very quiet until you reset it. If you can, get your bassist to use a separate bass amp with a line output and take this at reduced level into the Stagepas if needed. The older Stagepas 300s were very prone to tripping, and I used to advise using them for microphone inputs or well-controlled sources such as keyboards only.
This is a really clear and easy to understand response and I am
This is a really clear and easy to understand response and I am now much more confident in going ahead to purchase the additional mixer - awesome and thank you very much!
Up to now we have always used a separate Amp for the Bass player (he has his own amp) and the drum setup is of the 'digital type'. I did read that if the Bass guitar was to connect to the MG12 then a Bass DI should be used. So keeping the bass separate at least saves me additional expense (albeit small by comparison). Once I have received the kit I will post an update to how things went!