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I am looking to up the quality of my "mbox 2" "usb 2" set up. I am willing to spend around $1000 for a quality preamp, but I get mixed messages. Some people tell me to get a higher quality a/d converter before I spend too much on a preamp. But I figure since my set up only allows for 48k transfer rate, that I should focus on getting some nicer preamps first. Is there a huge difference between 48k and 96k sample, if so what is the fastest possible sample rate? I'm recording violin, voice, guitar, and bass. I've been looking at the following equipment:

UA LA-610

a/d converter
API A2D Dual 312 Mic Preamps with Digital Output

I would be getting the api used from a friend... any suggestions?


Boswell Fri, 11/09/2007 - 02:19

If you are aiming to bypass the preamps and ADCs of the Mbox 2, you will need to utilise the S/PDIF input of the Mbox, as it has no ADAT lightpipes.

The API A2D is a top-quality unit and should interface very nicely to the Mbox S/PDIF input. If you can get the A2D within your budget of $1000 you are doing very well. You wouldn't need the 610 as well.

Don't bust yourself to go to 96K. Well-engineered 44.1/48K recordings sound better than gear-lusted 88.2/96K ones any day.

Talking of good engineering, what mics have you got to use on the voice and violin?

BobRogers Fri, 11/09/2007 - 10:08

Joek wrote: ....Some people tell me to get a higher quality a/d converter before I spend too much on a preamp.....

As someone who is relatively inexperienced with digital audio, I'd like to hear more direct reaction to the assertion that JoeK is passing along. Do low quality converters - of the level of those in the mbox - pose a serious audio bottleneck to the point that you can't hear an upgrade in preamps?

On a more basic level (and this may be moving off topic) what do "better sounding converters" sound like (Other than "better.") With preamps I know to listen for coloration, transient response, headroom. What do you listen for when comparing converters?


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