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hey everyone.
I'm looking to replace my studio monitors in my home studio. i might still use them as an extra source of monitoring but as of late they're getting on my nerves.
right now i own passive 20/20's... i was thinking about putting them in my bedroom and getting a decent set of active monitor.
for a little background. i produce and engineer R&B along with hip hop and i'm not a newbie. i usually mix on Genelec 8050A's but they're 1800 each. i wanna work with a budget of $1000.. or $1200max(if 1200 i'd probably go with Event ASP8's)
i've been looking at:
Krk V8's
Yamaha HS80m
Dynaudio BM 5A
Event ASP8
Mackie hr824
i've never been fond of the mackies but then again i've never had a chance to use them in a good control room.
if you all can help me find a new set of monitors i'd really appreciate it.
i'll also be buying a mini dac or dac-1 also.
i currently use a 002R with a soundscape/Apogee896 I/O converter

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anonymous Thu, 01/12/2006 - 10:28

DVM33 wrote:

i usually mix on genelec 8050A's

do you like 'em?? if yes i would go with a pair of 8040's exactly the same just a little less ooomph... so if your room is not to big.... perfect i would say, the 8000 series IMO not to be beaten, otherwise dyno's bm5's are pretty nice too.

just my two cents.