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Hey guys,

It has been awhile since I've upgraded my pc and I have fallen out of the hardware loop. Any recomendations?

I am running Nuendo, 2 lynx AES cards, & 2 UAD cards.



Opus2000 Wed, 08/17/2005 - 16:20

Yo dug...been a while since I've seen you around! Or is it more me not being around as much :roll:

Consensus is to typically stay away from PCI Express for now and the usual stay with Asus(or the likes there of for quality mobos)

Some people have posted what they are going to do recently so take a look at some older threads and that will help sort you out some!


Opus :D

anonymous Wed, 08/17/2005 - 16:26

I've been gone. Working & getting divorced.

I have used asus for a long time so I'll prolly stay with that. What is pci express? How can I make sure to avoid it? Any other names or abbreviations to look out or?

How can I ensure there isn't alot of pci sharing?

Any thoughts on the new chips these days? Hyperthreading? 64bit? etc....

Anybody know of a specific asus that's hot?

anonymous Thu, 08/18/2005 - 18:59

thedug wrote: Hey guys,

It has been awhile since I've upgraded my pc and I have fallen out of the hardware loop. Any recomendations?

I am running Nuendo, 2 lynx AES cards, & 2 UAD cards.



if running Nuendo, Cubase or Sonar get a "dual core" system as all three applications will take advantage of the two processors.

Intel or AMD will be fine.

The new Intel PCI Express chipsets (945,955) have no PCIe issues and will work with high performance video cards without any impact on audio performance.

AMD X2, UAD-1 cards and Firewire audio do not mix well at the moment.

My best.

Guy Cefalu
Sonica Audio Labs

Guest Fri, 08/19/2005 - 09:57

best answer for longevity in your studio.

you can do standard core now and upgrade to dual core in 2 yrs.

FYI the single dual core X2 will slightly outperform the standard dual opti setup for effects/VSTi
large 96K track count or large I/O is better suited on the opterons.
