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Hey guys this is a question to everyone who records. If you could have the best recording mixer, what would it include? How would you change the channel slot on the bottom of this post? Right now it has

Volume Fader
LED volume Clip
Chanel Number
Mute button
Group 1 -4 button
Pan (left or right)
2 aux sends
Pre gain
any suggestions will be great. I am designing a mixer and I just want to know what is the dream mixer of some on who records.


RemyRAD Mon, 12/07/2009 - 20:47

Dear Mr. Marshall 909,

We have reviewed your design and would like to purchase a 96 input version. We would also like it to have 48 bus switching as opposed to 4. We would also like to have 10 effects sends. Half of which should be stereo panable if not 5.1 on a joystick. It must have high-quality transformer coupled microphone preamps that are all discrete transistor. The equalizers should be ferrite core inductors. They should also possess high and low pass filters. And what kind of automation features are you prepared to incorporate? You should include a company/product name such as a "Neve-R" or maybe "APIed"? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Are the bars still open?
Mx. Remy Ann David


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