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I'm curious about how much horsepower one needs. Initially I will be recording

  • 1 to 3 tracks at a time
  • will easily get up to 24 tracks so I would like the capacity to have at least 64
  • not sure how many pluginsI will want on each track (due to my inexperience with all of this)
  • am considering using external reverbs and plugins
    As you folks gain more experience with your new Opus2000 Asus p4b266 systems can you answer the following questions:
  • what operating system are you using
  • what recording software are you using
  • how many tracks do you record and play back at one time
  • how many tracks do you mix at one time
  • how many plugins on the average, for each track
  • do you use external reverbs, etc,
  • if you use external reverbs how do you like working with them vs plugins
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    Opus2000 Tue, 05/14/2002 - 14:25

    what operating system are you using
    WinXP Pro

    what recording software are you using

    how many tracks do you record and play back at one time
    Well, with my current setup I can record 10 tracks at once(8 analog and two digital) and play back many more...obviously this is playing back through a stereo out tho..I can play back 80+ tracks

    how many tracks do you mix at one time
    Same answer as above..this is a redundant question...also depends on howplug-insyou use..the more you have enabled the less system oomph you will have..

    how manyplug-ins on the average, for each track
    do you use external reverbs, etc,
    Again, another redundant question...

    if you use external reverbs how do you like working with them vsplug-ins
    I use all internal need for external boxes....

    All this said I would like to say that it also depends on what configuration you set it up with..many people have their own ways of doing it..if you do it in the optimum setting way you could easily get 100+ tracks...this is quite ludicrous unless doing post work..I have seen the ANUS setup with SCSI drives do 100+ tracks with the UAD card..I don't know how many plugins he is using but still...good enough...
    This system will handle your needs..with acopella music I don't think you will get that many tracks..