I recorded my orchestra's performance two months ago and would like some feedback on the recording quality. The microphone is clearly visible in the recording with the stand right next to the conductor for you to see the placement. Two Audio-Technica 4070 mics about 10 feet high in ORTF configuration.vhttp://www.youtube…"]Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra -- June 5, 2011: Verdi Overture to La Forza del Destino - YouTube[/]="http://www.youtube…"]Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra -- June 5, 2011: Verdi Overture to La Forza del Destino - YouTube[/]
From what I can tell, it sounds great. It might be my connection
From what I can tell, it sounds great. It might be my connection, but the audio is cutting in and out and places (unless you put on some kind of gate, because it's only during the more quiet parts). There's a weird sound that sounds like vibrato throughout the whole recording. Maybe the flute player's breathe.
tell us about your set up.
tell us about your set up.