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RecorderMan, I thought you might get a "KICK"

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Submitted by tripnek on Sat, 02/14/2004 - 06:44

Yamaha SubKick Low Frequency Capture Device


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Originally posted by RecorderMan:

Originally posted by tripnek:
Yamaha SubKick Low Frequency Capture Device

What I get a kick out of is the price....I've been watching that product since it's inception. I'd like to have one and now that they're "blowing them out" (so to speak) I might just add one to the arsenal.
Thanks for thr heads up. Sue them! lol... yeah.

Mon, 02/16/2004 - 06:37 Permalink
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and too answer whats the difference between the open and closed designs, open gives you an omni type pattern with no proximity effect the closed design reacts more like a cardiod exibiting proximity effect. Patterns don't really mean anything though cause the only thing that is going to move it is low frequencies from a kick.

Mon, 02/16/2004 - 12:21 Permalink