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reverse reverb for the snare...

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Submitted by anonymous on

k... i was always wondering how to get that "whip crack" reverse buildup technique for the snare drum, like they used in 80's rock songs. Well, after experimenting for a bit i have it pretty much down. This is has probably been discussed previously, and I'm not sure how most people have accomplished it, so i apologize in advance, but this is the most logical method I could think of:

1. insert reverb via bus for the snare using plugin of choice.

2. solo channel, making reverb 100% wet in the mix.

3. export channel audio file.

4. import it back

5. use DAW's reverse audio function.

6. if not already lined up, line up to snare drum.

It came out fairly well, but I am having trouble on what type of reverb to use to get the best sound for this. Anybody have any ideas on this topic, or perhaps know of a plugin that would do the process for you...

thanks :)
