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Reverse reverb, sometimes called reverse echo or reverse regeneration, simply takes the reverb tail of any instrument and reverses it. Creating it is a matter of printing the wet signal of a reversed audio track. Reverse reverb is typically accompanied by the original, unreversed recording played back correctly.

reverse reverb for the snare...

k... i was always wondering how to get that "whip crack" reverse buildup technique for the snare drum, like they used in 80's rock songs. Well, after experimenting for a bit i have it pretty much down. This is has probably been discussed previously, and I'm not sure how most people have accomplished it, so i apologize in advance, but this is the most logical method I could think of:

reverse reverb

alright, so, i get the basic idea to this, but i'm having trouble implementing it. i'm using Cubase LE. i've read that i need to reverse the audio, apply the reverb, then, reverse it back to normal. now, how exactly do you "apply" the reverb to something that's already been recorded?


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