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Would this pre be good for all my main tracking?
I don't realy have any high-endpre's so this would be my "go to pre".
any help would be great. I know it's not a lot of money to some but for me(baby on the way)I need the most bang for the buck to take my recordings to the next level.


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anonymous Sat, 06/14/2003 - 20:39

Let me say first off that I have never heard the preamp except on the Kurts sound bites. So I don't know how good they sound, but I do agree with J. Slator when he says:

[You obviously didn't read the HC thread.
Their marketing practices involve planting
people on every webboard on the planet to
rave about their pre's in a very peculiar
fashion. The names Bowsic posted are
some of the aliases. If you think that's
paranoia, try actually reading the posts. It's
actually very obvious.]

I was shopping for my first professional preamps and searched every forum up and down for information. I researched for 8 months or more.

When I found the posts raving about Sebatron, I looked at there site, and all the people who recommended it on his site, and then searched all the forums again and again.

It was obvious that the people posting were PUSHING the preamp! Some had no contact emails, and almost all of them were "New" members in which all of there first posts were stating how GREAT these preamps are, and that everyone should get one because they don't know what they are missing.

I instead decided to buy a used Vintech 1272 and a RNP. Time will tell how good the Sebatron gear is, but I know the Vintech had been "tested". They are respected and do not have questionable marketing practices.

Oneday I might very well purchase one of these preamps, and it might be a very good deal. For right now I will wait to see if these preamps really are a good deal, because whats the resale value on a "noname" preamp that costs 1500.

KurtFoster Sat, 06/14/2003 - 21:45

I am getting ready to do a whole new set of comparisons.
JLM is sending a TMP8, 8 channel mic pre and I am pretty sure I will be getting some things from Studio Projects and Audix. Perhaps I will use an SP mic on some of the comparisons. Which Studio Projects mic would all of you prefer to hear?

I will be including the Speck 5.0, Millennia Origin, Neve 9098, Sebatron vmp-4000, JLM, Studio Projects (maybe?) and the good ol’ Mackie! I will try to do some acoustic guitar and bass tracks and I have a piece in mind that is 16 bars instead of 8 as some said the last snippet was too short. So let me know what Studio Projects mic you want me to use on this next round of mic pre comparisons…

KurtFoster Mon, 06/16/2003 - 19:20

Sanity Inn,
Thanks for keeping us posted.. Now everyone knows if they order one it will arrive.

I can hardly wait for you to try it out and give us your impressions. I was particularly impressed with how my vmp-4000 made my Neumann U87Ai sound.. I look forward to hearing what you think. I hope that soon, enough people will have tried these pres and reported enough favorable impressions that it will validate that my evaluations were correct! Then all the nay sayers will finally have to shut up!

Talk about a conspiracy! I have noticed that most of the detractors of the Sebatron pres are followers (groupies) of a certain person. I think this individual has a hate on for the Sebatron.

Tekker Mon, 06/16/2003 - 23:39

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
I am getting ready to do a whole new set of comparisons.
JLM is sending a TMP8, 8 channel mic pre and I am pretty sure I will be getting some things from Studio Projects and Audix. Perhaps I will use an SP mic on some of the comparisons. Which Studio Projects mic would all of you prefer to hear?

I will be including the Speck 5.0, Millennia Origin, Neve 9098, Sebatron vmp-4000, JLM, Studio Projects (maybe?) and the good ol’ Mackie! I will try to do some acoustic guitar and bass tracks and I have a piece in mind that is 16 bars instead of 8 as some said the last snippet was too short. So let me know what Studio Projects mic you want me to use on this next round of mic pre comparisons…

Awesome!! Can't wait to hear it! :cool:


anonymous Wed, 06/18/2003 - 21:24

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
I hope that soon, enough people will have tried these pres and reported enough favorable impressions that it will validate that my evaluations were correct! Then all the nay sayers will finally have to shut up!


Nobody is "naysaying" the product, they are "naysaying" Sebatron's marketing practices. No matter how good the product is, it doesn't change what I might feel about their marketing practices. Conversely, no matter what I may feel about their marketing practices, it will not in any way whatsoever cloud my opinion of their product. I assure you of that.

I'm looking forward to your tests. If you have the time, it would be nice if you could include a dynamic mic and maybe even a ribbon in the tests. Often those are the most demanding sources for a pre.

Bowisc Thu, 06/19/2003 - 08:03

Originally posted by Sanity Inn:
Just want to share that i'm now a proud owner of a Sebatron VMP2000e VU, 2 channel VU mic pre,

Can't wait to test her out, she just got here today :) )

Thanks for the nice work Sebatron...

I'll keep ya'll posted

Sanity Inn

" Logic rules, emotion wins"

Congrats! I was going to get the 2000e-VU as well but decided on the 4000e. Mine is almost done and should be in route in a few days.


anonymous Thu, 06/19/2003 - 09:40

Originally posted by Bowisc:

Originally posted by Sanity Inn:
Just want to share that i'm now a proud owner of a Sebatron VMP2000e VU, 2 channel VU mic pre,

Can't wait to test her out, she just got here today :) )

Thanks for the nice work Sebatron...

I'll keep ya'll posted

Sanity Inn

" Logic rules, emotion wins"

Congrats! I was going to get the 2000e-VU as well but decided on the 4000e. Mine is almost done and should be in route in a few days.


anonymous Thu, 06/19/2003 - 10:37

Why I bought my Sebatron product.

Review, price/budget, and value

Review: After dreaming about another pre amp for the past year(which i will still get one day), I too stumbled upon the Sebatron brand and this forum.

After reading Kurts review on this and his other reviews ( many times to absorb all points)I was to say the least , frantic. How could this 1500 dollar 4 channel pre compare to the ones I've read and heard about?
Well after a few phone calls and e-mails , some to Wayne Gardner( with a good reputation in industry) I was given some of the reasons.

Although some people may believe that Kurt's review of the Sebatron mic pre may be sensationalized, I tend to diagree. First, i can't imagine the man fluffing a 1500 dollar unit for browny points, a 10 grand unit , i could see , but even then, I don't believe this is the type of guy Kurt is.

Another basis for accepting Kurts philosaphy in his review is this, i had asked Kurt if he ever reviewd or plan to review D.W Fearn mic pre ( that's the one i was wanting) Kurt said he had approacehed Doug on this. I too had asked Doug if Kurt could review his gear, with Doug responding that it had been reviewed to death, and with the orders going there was no need for extra validation. Kurt had sent Doug some links to his reviews shortly aftewards. I believe after Doug read Kurt's reviews, he contacted Kurt, and was more then happy to provide what he could based on Kurt's genuine, honest down to earth approach.

I understand that all readers are not generally privy to this type of background info, ,but if you dig enough, you will validate what you need to if you're happy with the info you find .

Actually if you read the bottom of Kurt's review well, you can see that the " hype" that was on the forum was validated, not only in performance, but bang for buck,, even stating it has more bang then buck.

As far as i'm concerned, the buck stopped when Kurt reviewed the product,( well one buck for MY NEEDS anyway) regardless of what is typed in forums. Keep in mind, the product is the comon denominator here, the test are, set up, chain, users expectations are the variable, and with this you will receive varying opinions.

5 % of the world lead, some not well, 95% follow, some blindly

Price / budget:

Price was certainly an issue aswell in this decision, one because i'm broke lol, and this is my 1st piece of real gear when it comes to mic pres, so I can't give you any comparisons 1st hand, but more on that to follow.
I believe the term " project " box was used here, ( btw, i don't intend to fish for quotes to paste, hope i get the just ok on this) . Well project box it ain't, but project pricing, ya, pretty darn close,, It's interesting how some people will spend big bucks on a name brand that gets bad reviews, but not cheap bucks on no name with good reviews, hmmmm , this is part of reading, digesting and homework I guess. When we consider the brands that Sebatron is beeing compared to, how can we go wrong,
I see it this way,... say you have a band, and some one says " hey, you sound like so N so" in my view this is a good thing to be compared to an established band, cept for maybe the signature sound part lol, but do you think you could get paid the same for a venue? probably not, but eventually if enough people liked you, why not.


This is the way I see the value, once we get passed the reviews and comparisons and we're happy with the decision to buy one, I really can't see loosing money on this,, from a business percpective, and i'm in it, this product will have no choice but to go up in price. part of the distribution chain once it's established,,, so with the growing numbers of sales,so too will the growing number of reviews follow,

and I think we all know what supply and demand can do to price.

I hope i've helped settle some things, and not stirred others,

On a side note, part of my reviewing this product was also the builder of the product, Sebatron is successful in music,and production aswell, and I can't see how he wouldn't put as much passion and thought and heart into his product , just like his music, after all, it has his name on it.

the opinions of this station where just that , my opinions, in no way did I intent to instill any bad feelings, if i have used names out of context , I apologies

oh ya ,typos and dislecsia exempt lol

Sanity Inn

anonymous Thu, 06/19/2003 - 10:53

Originally posted by Sanity Inn:
I hope i've helped settle some things...

Not really. I'd be much more interested in your opinions of how it sounds, what you find it works on, how it interacts with various mic's, and maybe hearing some clips if you're so inclined. Expressions of your faith in Kurt's opinion aren't very important to me. I've already read Kurt's opinion. Now, I'd like to read yours (once you've had a chance to try it out, that is).

anonymous Thu, 06/19/2003 - 11:06

My post was about my reason for buying this, if you read well, a concept i tried to instill in my post , you'll see i typed the following. As I stated , I am not a full geared studio.

" :: so I can't give you any comparisons 1st hand, but more on that to follow. ""

I have meetings with a few ppl here in Canada, and they have the right gear to campare to, it will come.

Sanity Inn

anonymous Fri, 06/20/2003 - 13:12

Bowisc, have you gotten yours yet? Please post impressions when you do. I'm leaning towards the RNP right now, as there is so little solid info on the Seba. It does look promising though. I have a lot of free time this summer to record, and I don't want to wait 3-6 weeks unless it would be super worth it. Let me know how you think it hold up next to RNP or Great River NV too.

anonymous Fri, 06/20/2003 - 19:20

What's wrong with owning the RNP and the Sebatron? One super clean with excellent high detail (RNP), one with some tube (although I understand the Sebatron is more of a clean sounding tube pre). I have the RNP and love it, but would go crazy if I didn't have a Universal Audio 2-610 sitting in the rack. The Sebatron/RNP combo isn't going to break the bank either. Damn, maybe I should resign and go to Gearslutz. Doc

anonymous Fri, 06/20/2003 - 19:38

I'm very low on funds and need to get some proper monitors too (looking at Yorkville and Tannoy... and yes, I guess this means I must hang out at Harmony Central : ) I'd really love to get both pres... there is nowhere around here to listen to anything, sometimes I gets a little maddening. Any help you could provide would be wonderful. RNC, Sebatron... soon I will decide.

Bobby Loux Fri, 06/20/2003 - 21:54

Green Lawns,

I own an RNP/RNC and a Great River ME-1NV and let me tell you I am very happy. the RNP is so clean with that "air" sound everyone talks about on the high end. i record all my accoustic stereo guit tracks, keyboards, drum overheads, and backing vocals through that thing. when all those tracks are layed in the mix its really shows its strengths...

as far as my Great River is concerned, my lead vocal, snare drum and bass get the benefit of that neve color..i did some a/b comparisons with true tube pre's and the Great River gives you that same color vibe tubes do, but more upfront and in your face so too speak.

$900.00 for the GR and $475.00 ($1400.00) and you got two very distinct and seperate pre's to choose about bang for the buck!..I'm sure the sebatron is cool, but if you go for the 4000e that puts you with 4 of the same pre's for $1400ish....maybe look into the 2 channel 2000e for $900.00 and an RNP. that way maybe you can double up the two tube channels for that tube color, as I've heard the sebtrons pre's are very clean and transparent (similar to the RNPs)

I would go with the RNP first (especially if you're on a strict budget, you just cant beat the price and it sounds 3x its cost.. really!) its very versitle, you can have it deliverd in a week, and start recording...believe it or not as I stated above, that piece has become my workhorse!

good luck

anonymous Sat, 06/21/2003 - 06:59

Ill just add, When I got my VMP4000e I hadent read any review on it at all, In fact it was Sebatron himself who emailed me to ask me if I was interested in trying his preamp.

I was and did, had it on loan for a week (we are locals) and I was happy to give him his asking price the next week. Its been in constant use ever since and I class it right up there with my Telefunken V72 and Neve preamps. May even get a second soon.

Adam Calaitzis
Toyland Studio

KurtFoster Sat, 06/21/2003 - 14:56

The Sebatron is a "Class A", transformer based all tube pre amp. It has the "vintage sound". The RNP is a solid state L.S.I. device that uses chips and op amps.. I does not have a vintage sound.. The RNP is a great value at about $250 a channel but IMO it cannot not hold a candle to the sound of the pure "Class A", transformered Sebatron mic pre. It's like comparing a Vega and a Corvette.

Ferd Berfel Sat, 06/21/2003 - 16:03

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
...The RNP is a solid state L.S.I. device that uses chips and op amps...


I'm just curious, what do you mean by this? Accepted use of the term "LSI" does not include the SSI levels typical of linear devices, particularly THESE DAYS. Besides, I believe the RNP is a Class-A, discrete front end (followed by SSI devices), running about 6mA of bias current through the long-tailed pair...

Of course, with regard to your subjective impressions of the sound, it's curious that you're one of the few that I've heard say that it /DOESN'T/ sound vintage (apparently, there's a few former RCA BA2B/BA11 users that swear the RNP sounds almost identical, except the RNP has an extended top end). To each their own, I guess!


KurtFoster Sat, 06/21/2003 - 16:16

I am not a tech type so I could be wrong. Forgive my being uninformed if this is so. What I was saying is that large scale integration (integrated circuits) is used in the RNP.. A discreet front end doesn't mean doo doo if it is followed by a garbage disposal.. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to use a RNP. I have requested several times for FMR to send me some products for comparisons and reviews but i don't get any response in spite of them making reference to the "buzz at RO" on their website. When someone doesn't want to send out a piece for review, i get curious as to why. All that being said, I regularly recommend the FMR gear on the strength of members comments. But the Sebatron is all discreet, hand built tube class A all the way piece. I have had the chance to compare it to other pres like the Millennia and Amek/Neves and I am very impressed with its sound.. Like I said Vega vs. Corvette.

anonymous Sat, 06/21/2003 - 16:38

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to use a RNP.

Have you even heard one? You make some pretty damning comments about a unit you havn't even tried. You'll note that nowhere have I ever said anything about the sound of a Sebatron. You know why? Because I haven't tried one. Talk about smear campaigns. Your credibility is waning.

KurtFoster Sat, 06/21/2003 - 17:48

I have never said anything bad about the RNP or the RNC.. Simple as that. Go ahead and look, you won't find it. I always say I have never used one. But I will say I don't believe that a $500 stereo pre with integrated circuits can compare to any discreet pure Class A pre like the Sebatron. I feel safe with that. But for what it is, the FMR gear is a good value. I wish they would send me some pieces to run in the comparisons. You never actually say that you think the Sebatron sounds bad but on the other hand you never seem to be willing to give it the same benefit of the doubt that you would give to say, a new piece of Great River equipment. It is obvious who has the agenda here and who is credible and who isn’t. As far as my credibility, it is obvious that you are just lurking and chipping at Alan, Sebatron and myself, every time you get a chance. RO HAS HAD SEVERAL REQUESTS TO HAVE YOU BANNED FROM MEMBERS AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I AM ONE OF THE ONLY MODERATORS TO SPEAK IN YOUR DEFENSE. So why don’t you just lay off? It is well known that you are a *&%$#@%# groupie and you are here to promote a specific agenda (the MP2NV) ... Jay you never contribute one positive thing to any thread.

Ferd Berfel Sat, 06/21/2003 - 18:13

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
I am not a tech type so I could be wrong. Forgive my being uninformed if this is so. What I was saying is that large scale integration (integrated circuits) is used in the RNP...

That's cool! I was just trying to understand what you meant. Strictly as an FYI, "LSI" is not the correct term in this context, "IC" is. "LSI" has potentially negative connotations for those who understand the terms...

A discreet front end doesn't mean doo doo if it is followed by a garbage disposal...

Maybe I'm not understanding you, let me re-phrase it as a double-check (I'm probably asking the following rhetorically):

* Using ICs is always/sometimes BAD, or, at least, "pedestrian" (i.e., Vega), /NO MATTER WHAT/, while...

* "hand built tube class A" is always/usually great (i.e., Corvette), /NO MATTER WHAT/?


Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to use a RNP. I have requested several times for FMR to send me some products for comparisons and reviews but i don't get any response in spite of them making reference to the "buzz at RO" on their website. When someone doesn't want to send out a piece for review, i get curious as to why.

So, the implication is...what? The product is defective, pedestrian or sub-par? The company is run by (at the very least) idiots or (at the worst) assholes who really don't want to sell their products so they want to make sure and piss-off potential reviewers/clients? Of course, it could be something as simple as a small company that's overridden with email spam (BTW, check out Avalon's new email policy) and/or excessive product demand to which they already can't meet that leads them to prioritize requests for "loaners" way down on the list? Based upon other's comments I've seen about Sebatron and Davissound (to name only two) being overwhelmed by customer interest--up-to-and-including not providing "demo units" AND even SOLD(!) product in a timely fashion--is not unusual. I'm certainly no going to judge their product's performance by their response time.

All that being said, I regularly recommend the FMR gear on the strength of members comments.

That's nice, I suppose, but my personal choice would be to recommend someone's gear based upon personal experience with it. But that's just me...

But the Sebatron is all discreet, hand built tube class A all the way piece. I have had the chance to compare it to other pres like the Millennia and Amek/Neves and I am very impressed with its sound.. Like I said Vega vs. Corvette.

I'm glad you like the Sebatron piece. At some point I hope to try it myself...


KurtFoster Sat, 06/21/2003 - 18:31

I am a bit of a gear snob, even though I may not be a tech type. I try my best to understand all of this but my main criteria for choosing gear is discreet, high power supply (joules man! joules), Class A. I think FMR makes great stuff for the market they are shooting for although I do wish they would send some stuff to me so I could say I am speaking from experience. I suspect that their stuff has been reviewed so much they don't feel the need to have it done again. But I just can't ignore that for the year that I have been “mod-ing” here, I have never heard a negative comment regarding FMR.. That speaks volumes unto itself..

Bowisc Sat, 06/21/2003 - 22:17

FWIW, the RNP does have a vintage flavor to it, and the high-end, well, seems very, very extended. Possibly due to the 300k-bandwidth. Very "etheral" high-end. IMO, I would say it's more like "Viper -vs- 'Vette ZR6". Depends on which ride you prefer for your planned route.

My 4000e is close to completion, and within Sebatron's estimated time-frame. Should be here shortly. Although the man is busy... (he's sent me pics with many, many units stacked up for production), he's kept me in the loop on my unit since Day 1.

No suspicions here.


anonymous Sat, 06/21/2003 - 22:21

I can compare the RNP and the Universal Audio 2-610, as both are at my studio. The RNP doesn't colour the sound at all and has a very detailed high end. The Universal Audio seems to accentuate the low mids slightly, in a very pleasing way, while rounding off rough edges in the highs. The UA doesn't smack you in the face with it's colouration, thankfully, as "toob" gear might. Personally I like having a clean, detailed pre and a brawny tube pre (I try to avoid the word "warm").
The UA is a true tube preamp, like the Sebatron, so maybe this comparison will help.

anonymous Sat, 06/21/2003 - 22:33

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
You never actually say that you think the Sebatron sounds bad but on the other hand you never seem to be willing to give it the same benefit of the doubt that you would give to say, a new piece of Great River equipment.

I've never used or even heard a Sebatron, so how could I say it sounds bad? Or good? I have some issues with their marketing, so I'm maybe a bit more suspicious of Sebatron than I might be about other manufacturers.


People keep threatening to have me banned. I don't think I've said anything that justifies banning me, but how about either banning me or shutting up about it? This constant "Watch what you say, or you're going to be banned!" is just annoying.

It is well known that you are a *&%$#@%# groupie and you are here to promote a specific agenda (the MP2NV)

OK, when you were talking about groupies, I thought you were referring to me. Now I'm lost. Who is it that I am the groupie of? I swear to God, I have no idea who you're referring to. And you've completely lost me on the MP2NV. I'm pretty sure I have never commented on the MP2NV on any forum anywhere either positively or negatively. Where do you get this stuff? Post some links.

... Jay you never contribute one positive thing to any thread.

Clearly that's your impression. I beg to differ.

KurtFoster Sat, 06/21/2003 - 23:17

Originally posted by J. Slator:
I've never used or even heard a Sebatron, so how could I say it sounds bad? Or good? I have some issues with their marketing, so I'm maybe a bit more suspicious of Sebatron than I might be about other manufacturers.

Because someone, who by the way lives on the East Coast USA, got overzealous and posted a bunch of positive comments, you somehow assume that Sebatron had something to do with it.. I don't know if they did or not. All I know is I ordered mine, and as soon as it cleared customs (which was a bitch) it got here. It sounds good. So I don't know what you are complaining about..

Even if Sebatron did what you think they did, what's the big deal? ... So they got on the Internet and SPAMED a few sites.. big deal. That doesn't mean they don't make a good product. And they and I certainly don't deserve this which hunt you have instigated. It just means they were financially challenged in terms of getting some advertising. As far as questionable marketing practices, I have never run into anyone who was really bad.. except Digidesign and Apple.. Other than them, everyone I know of pretty much delivers what they promise at a fair price.

As far as the Sebatrons go, order one. You'll like it. If you don't they will take it back. No problems. The thing made my U87Ai (modern version) sound better than anything I have ever heard it through ever!. I swear, it sounds like it looks through the vmp-4000!

I wasn’t threatening you with banning. I was telling you that you attack the wrong person when you go after me. I always think of banning as a last resort and to be honest, I don’t think you have done anything to deserve being banned. I don’t know what your problem with me is. I guess your just miffed because I get to review gear and you don’t or something, because I know I have never done anything to you. So you either come here with an agenda or your just jealous. One or the other. The thing is Jay, sometimes you do come through with some nice things.. like yesterday and I just noticed you said some helpful things in a couple of threads today.. so I admit I was wrong saying you don't add anything positive.. but really, everyone knows how you feel about Studio Projects and Sebatron, so why not just give it a rest?? You’ve made your point.

anonymous Sun, 06/22/2003 - 05:34

Today I ordered the Sebatron through GTA music in Sydney (Wayne Gardner). I'm willing to take a chance on this one. The RNP seems promising and perhaps I will be able to pick one up later... but the Sebatron VMP2000e seems to be right on the mark for what I'm after. I think people have been unfairly harsh to Sebatron. I haven't seen one bad comment from a user, or anyone who's heard it for that matter.

anonymous Sun, 06/22/2003 - 11:04

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
...everyone knows how you feel about Studio Projects and Sebatron, so why not just give it a rest?? You’ve made your point.

Actually, my most recent post that you took offense to had nothing to do with Sebatron. It had to do with you passing a strong judgment on a product that you don't appear to have ever tried or even heard. You state some incorrect technical information about the RNP, compare it to a Chevy Vega and state that it doesn't have a "vintage sound" when you, in fact, have no basis upon which to form such a judgment. That's really bad form.

On a related note, what exactly is "vintage sound" anyway? Is that the sound of a Neve 1073? API 312? Langevin AM-16? Telefunken V72? V76? Maybe something from Western Electric? RCA? Altec? Helios? Trident? Do those all sound similarly "vintage"?

KurtFoster Sun, 06/22/2003 - 14:29

As EveAnna Manley puts it, "Joules, man! Joules!" High current, discreet components. Class A design.. The RNP is a $250 per channel design, all chips and PCBs, that is fabricated in mass and assembled robotically. If you would rather have a cheap pre instead of a good one, be my guest. You say one thing, I have heard other people say other things.. What I do know is FMR doesn't return my inquiries.. not that they have anything to conceal. BTW, did you ever find any negative comments from me regarding the RNP? Nooooo...

Originally posted by J. Slaytor Actually, my most recent post that you took offense to had nothing to do with Sebatron. It had to do with you passing a strong judgment on a product that you don't appear to have ever tried or even heard. You state some incorrect technical information about the RNP, compare it to a Chevy Vega and state that it doesn't have a "vintage sound" when you, in fact, have no basis upon which to form such a judgment. That's really bad form.

The comment regarding "credibility waning" only shows what I am speaking of. You are trolling, lying in wait, waiting for me to make a comment you can pick apart and then extrapolate from that, since I am erroneous regarding one thing I may be erroneous regarding another. As has been mentioned more than once by other members on this thread, many have purchased the Sebatron and there have been no complaints so far. This is the same as with the RNP.. I don't understand why you feel the need to attack something you have never heard.. In my case, I give the RNP the benefit of the doubt. In your case, you discredit the product.

What I am saying is a mic pre that is designed to a price point, using off the shelf components selected as much for availability as well as any other criteria, using IC's and PCB's built by robotics, is a VEGA! It's a cheap pre Jay.. although I have heard that it is remarkably good, considering it's pedigree. But it is not ever going to compare with something that is hand built using discreet components (no chips or ICs) with massive power supplies that is built much for the art of doing it rather than to meet a projected "price point".

anonymous Sun, 06/22/2003 - 15:36

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
The RNP is a $250 per channel design, all chips and PCBs, that is fabricated in mass and assembled robotically. If you would rather have a cheap pre instead of a good one, be my guest.

I'm not even commenting on the pre's per se. I'm commenting on whether it's a good idea for a so-called "reviewer" to review products he has never tried and to tell people what they sound like or don't sound like when he's never even listened to them.

Anyway, this is quickly becoming tiring. I must be speaking in tongues, because you don't ever seem to understand what I'm saying. You appear blinded by your conviction that I've been sent here to persecute you as the agent of some unknown spectre (Dan Kennedy? Fletcher? I still havn't figured out the "groupie" comment or the reference to the MP-2NV).

I give up.

FWIW, I hope the Sebatron turns out to be a seriously good unit and I'm looking forward to hearing more user comments. If it performs half as well as you say it does, it will be well worth the price.

KurtFoster Sun, 06/22/2003 - 16:07

Originally posted by J. Slator:
I'm not even commenting on the pre's per se. I'm commenting on whether it's a good idea for a so-called "reviewer" to review products he has never tried and to tell people what they sound like or don't sound like when he's never even listened to them.

"So called" reviewer.. now we are getting to the point. What may I ask would in your eyes, qualify someone to be a "real" reviewer? It seems that you wonder what qualifies me to be a reviewer. Maybe that is what your problem is. You wonder why I get to have all this cool stuff sent to my house and you don't? Or perhaps you are another person who is bummed, because I don’t ever slam stuff. There is a group of readers who want that. They want dirt, for a product to be dragged through the mud. I won’t do that. I refuse to sink to that level. I have been very fortunate that all the products I have received so far to review have been excellent, so I have not had to tell a manufacturer that I couldn’t write a good review but if a real turd did come across my desk, I would not hesitate to do that.

There is a considerable list of equipment manufactures who seem to think I am a qualified reviewer. As well as the reviews I have already published, I have stuff on the way to me from Manley, JLM, Audix and Yamaha Corp., Studio Projects to name a few as well as additional pieces from Sebatron and Millennia Media. Every Mmanufacturer that I have reviewed has been very happy with my work, some saying that it is "nice to have a real pro doing the review" and how "it shows in the end product". They seem to think I am qualified. What makes you think I am not? Because I said something you don't agree with?

I never reviewed the RNP and just because I make a comment about a piece of gear in a Forum that I moderate does not qualify as a "review". So please don't misconstrue my comments on the BB as reviews of products. They are what they are and when I am on the BB I am here in the same capacity as any other contributor, member or moderator. I put my review hat on when I write a review for the reviews page and publish it in the RO E Mag. It is a completely separate function.

anonymous Sun, 06/22/2003 - 16:39

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
What may I ask would in your eyes, qualify someone to be a "real" reviewer?

Someone who witholds comment on what something sounds like until they've actually heard it.

Maybe that is what your problem is. You wonder why I get to have all this cool stuff sent to my house and you don't?


...I have stuff on the way to me from Manley, JLM, Audix and Yamaha Corp., Studio Projects to name a few as well as additional pieces from Sebatron and Millennia Media.

Are you going to wait for the gear to arrive before forming opinions about it?