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hello all, so high school is almost done and it's senior paper time. Our paper is on occupations and of course i want to do my paper on recording. So this is where all you studio owners and engineers come in, I need to 'interview" 5 people and tell about their jobs, but sadly there are no studios in western PA close to me so ask you for your help. If you could post or email me (cureofvengence87@ao…) the answers to the following questions and anything else (much appreciated) to the following questions that would be great.

What is your name and where do you work (state and studio)
Tell me of your best and worst days at work
What would you change about your job
How do you feel about your wage
If you could do it over again would you change your job
Does your family like your job
What kinds of artists do you work with
How did you learn your trade, did you go to school
What was your fav. artists to work with
... and anything else you would like to add

Thank you so much
