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Ive been reading a lot about side-chaining in terms of compressors and other effects. but what sort of sound do you get from it? and what are its advantages? i really just dont understand... and after reading all the awesome 'sidechain' shoutouts... it frustrates me. can anyone shed some light por favor?



Kurt Foster Tue, 02/08/2005 - 13:31

Side chains are used for two different techniques ... One is frequency dependant compression ... by inserting an EQ in the sidechain loop you can make the detector more sensitive to particular frequencies ... this turns the compressor in to a kind of "cut only" eq.

The other technique is called "ducking" or "keying". By triggering the compressor detector with the signal from another source, you may control the dynamics of the channel being compressed ... example .. kick drum and bass ... the bass is masking the attack of the kick drum ... so by "ducking" the bass with a comp being triggered by the kick drum, when the kick drum hits the bass is compressed a little each time the kick strikes ... this brings the bass level down for a very short time so you can hear the attack of the kick but the sustain of the bass.