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I use Cubase SX 1.06. I have a Fatar Keyboard Controller feeding a Evolution UC 33 Controller surface. Out of the UC 33 it goes to Emu, ASR-X, Roland MVS1 module. The UC 33 is USB.

My MVS1 Keeps getting "Stuck Notes". I try and set the Midi Filters in SX but I still get the stuck notes.. I also had issues that when I would start the Record in Cubase Patches would change on the Modules. I tried setting all the Bank/Progarm change functions properly within the hardware, but I still have odd behavior...The stuck note is the worse problem. Therefore, could it be the hardware or the softare?

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anonymous Tue, 08/26/2003 - 12:51

Do you have the modules hooked up the the Thru or Out ports? Are any of the modules sending MIDI Beat clock?

In a daisy chain setup like yours, you should probably have each device responding to it's own set of MIDI channels. That way you won't have one device responding to a track intended for another. If you have all three modules set to recieve all channels then all will recieve any patch change info contained in the tracks.

Hope this helps.
