Sonic Foundry has just released a new version of Sound Forge, version 6.0 (beta only right now). I still use Sound Forge periodically, but have migrated mostly over to Wavelab. Here is a quick summary from Sonic Foundry...(Notice that they still haven't added any new CD burning capabilities to replace CD Architect...) Nothing that looks too impressive to me...
"The decade-long legacy of Sound Forge continues to evolve. Version 6.0 provides feature enhancements such as:
· Nondestructive audio editing for increased speed in your productions
· Multitask background rendering allows you to work on multiple files at one time
· New Audio Plug-in Chainer for applying DSP in a more flexible and efficient manner
· Enhanced time zoom (24:1ratio) for increased editing accuracy
· Enhanced Preset Manager for archiving, storing and sharing plugin and chainer presets
· And much more!
Sound Forge 6.0 is the most powerful and efficient audio editing
and mastering system available for the PC."
Sheesh! That is a 6.0 release? Looks more like 5.1 to me!