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Hello. I just completed a small studio and I'm having a problem with static on all my circuits. The static comes from all my components on all circuits (bass amp, PA, stereo receiver etc). The circuits are coming off from a subpanel that I installed to feed my studio. The static actually goes away after a few minutes. Do I have a ground loop problem here or something else going on?

Is this even the right area to post this question?


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LittleDogAudio Tue, 11/16/2004 - 07:31

If it's a groung-loop, it wouldn't go away without changing something.

I suggest that you start with only the power amp and speakers, see if it is present, if not then connect the monitor output of your console (assumming you have one) then take a listen.

Keep connecting pieces of gear until you find the culprit. It may turn out to be just one rouge piece of gear.
