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Stereo Interleaved to Dual Mono

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/11/2002 - 10:04

Stereo Interleaved to Dual Mono

Can it be done with commands/Ketstrokes, or do you just reord back to 2 tracks?




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Hi spigots.
I was flippin' through the Satellite manual seeing if there was anything on this... but I got distracted when I came across a reference to a function called "Ghost". This is very close to my heart at the moment (ghosts), so sorry. I'll have another look later tonight, see if there's anything there. Sometimes these things are hidden amongst other stuff.
At the moment there's a Fairlight course that starts here in probably want to know before then right?
I'll have a see if I can track any of the lecturers down, see if I can get something on this for you (before June!)
Kind regards:

Thu, 04/11/2002 - 20:40 Permalink
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OK spigots, check this out.I was talking to a Fairlight user here.

Delete all reference to the clip.
Go into Recover Files (?)
Find the individual number of each wave form (l and r). Use recover for each one.
Apparently voila. A dual mono clip.
No keyboard shortcut, but if you didn't know how it's done, That's how to do it! :cool:

Does that make any sense?

Thu, 04/11/2002 - 20:58 Permalink
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yes, stedel was right: there´s only this possibility to do it: delete the stereo file (all the clips that refer to it) out of the playlist, then hit BLUE W and you can see all files that don´t have a reference in the playlist in the upper window. Now it´s getting a bit difficult: you only can identify the file you need by birthday (the time you recorded it) and length. Left and Right of a stereo file is shown as two different files marked as r and l. To restore the file (to put it into the playlist again) type RW into the command line, followed by a space and the number of the file (shown in the first column in the upper window). Voilá, it´s back on the chosen track at the time the cursor is.

Well all this may sound a bit difficult, but it is very easy at last. By the way: I did this on my MfX3plus, but I´ve been told the DREAM series don´t differ in handling.

Wed, 04/17/2002 - 09:01 Permalink