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StudioLive just gets better. When you are in a tight spot, you can put the mixer where you want and control the FOH via wireless from an iPad.

Enjoy this video on how to setup the StudioLive with an ipad:


rockstardave Wed, 02/09/2011 - 18:26

ya, this is what i'm doing. except now they have a dedicated (native) ipad app which is FREE at the app store. (y)

forget a huge bulky 100ft 24ch snake (heavy) and just get a headless mac mini or laptop. wham-bam-it's done

great head-turner too. when the audience members see you walking around mixing on an ipad. chicks love it (y)

rockstardave Wed, 02/09/2011 - 19:46

definitely. you may want to check out the presonus forums - specifically the StudioLive one - at [=""]StudioLive[/]="http://forums.preso…"]StudioLive[/]

i'm pretty (quite) active over there, and i've been doing the ipad-vnc-to-a-laptop thing since before that presonus video you linked to even existed! find it at [[url=http://="…"]YouTube - vsl on ipad during daylight hours[/]="…"]YouTube - vsl on ipad during daylight hours[/]

all bragging aside - i like to think that my sincere interest in remote mixing helped to motivate presonus to create the ipad app.

anyways - YES you can use mac or windows for the VSL. and therefore an ipad to do the wireless remote.

AND... this is only the beginning... (y)

audiokid Wed, 02/09/2011 - 20:11

I love the console, it is so cool.
Yes! I know about the forum, thanks. I want people here to learn how amazing this is so they don't miss the mark when looking for a console. I had no idea how awesome PreSonus was a year ago. ADL 600 and the StudioLive... oh ya!

Good for you getting onto it so far back. How has it all worked for you so far?
Do you use StudioOne as well?

Good to see you back here!


rockstardave Wed, 02/09/2011 - 20:43

YES you could, if they have the VSL software running on a laptop.

the trick is to create a password-protected network and have the ipad connect securely.

my understanding is that presonus is adding new features to the SLRemote app which will include a feature-restricted detail so that iphones on stage can only adjust a certain aux without potentially destroying FOH or other aux/sub mixes.

ps - thanks for the warm rewelcoming. ;)

ALSO ... my SL16 is amazing. i love the power. i find myself using comps/gates, tap tempo, and other features which - while i had as rackmount gear before - i never previously used. something about the hassle of finding the processor in the mess of rack gear, squinting to see paramters, and trying to keep an eye on the board all at once... didnt do it for me. so i'd bring along the rack of gear, but hardly used it to its potential.

with the SL processing on the board, i find myself using it A LOT.

i have not been using studio one. i already know logic, so thats what i stick with. :-P

rockstardave Thu, 02/10/2011 - 06:23

i've gotten about 75 feet before, which was as deep as the venue was. never tried outdoors going through the exterior walls, but i would imagine that my mixing skills would diminish quickly if i'm not in the buildilng ;)

that video i made was before the SLRemote software of course. if you check the current SL Remote app videos you'll see that it's a much more streamlined process ... not nearly as much latency when the ipad doesnt have to redraw an entire screen over wifi.

a lot of the guys who will be heartily adopting this thing recommend a dedicated wifi router at the 5ghz range because 2.4 seems to have interference with the new Line6 digital wireless systems.



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