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I don't have the room or the funds right now to get a grand piano and i'm saving for a c-7, but for now I need an acoustic piano. Is anybody familiar with the Yamaha U-1. what are your thoughts on it. I've herd them live and was very impressed at their performance for an upright piano, but do they record well?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


BobRogers Wed, 07/18/2007 - 04:45

I had a U-1 for about 12 years before the family Steinway grand was handed down to me. I never recorded it, so I can't help there. You can judge tone and action for yourself, but I was very happy with it and would put it at the top of my list if I was going to get another upright. Probably an important point - It was very stable and easy to maintain. Held tune very well. Was in great shape when I sold it.


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