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I am wondering if anyone knows any of the history or has and info about a Thurmond graphic EQ. It was an ebay find, and even google seems to know very little of anything about the unit, company or history. It is graphic in the sense that it has fixed frequency centers, fixed bandwidths but unlike most graphic eq's is is knob based. I poped the top off and the internal circuit is rather crude but other gear of this vintage seems to be about as crude as many of the units were not machine built.

Pull knob for boost/cut +/- ~10dB (100-8kHz)
Push knob for full cut at that frequency
Meter monitors direct off input, and it has a output gain pot.

Again it is a Thurmond make and T 1008 model 2U, Single channel, 20 band

I would love to know a little about this unit! Thanks


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