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We are selling our old trusty Trident Vector 432 52channel desk as a whole or in parts. Interested?
50 channel strips, 2 triple line-input channel strips, 2 dynamics modules (8x comps/gates), patchbay, center section with bus-compressor.
Most channels need recapping and some channels have different minor faults (mostly just dusty switches, or a few burnt capacitors on mic-inputs) but my mixes sounds great on this desk. Warm, grungy and fantastic on rock and acoustic music.

The reason we are selling it is because the power supplies are worn out, and the old Trident computer is causing a few strange problems on some channel seatings (not the channel itself) might be bad connections.. We don't use the Automation anymore, it's an obselete system, but we have to have the computer powered on during power-up..
This is a BIG desk and should only be handled by someone who knows what they're doing, as she does need a bit of work. :-)

We are buying a Neve VR Legend desk from Finland, and are probably going to use some of the Trident channels as a sidecar if someone doesn't buy the whole thing.
Does anyone have experience with Neve VR desks, in how much maintanance hey need?

Check out http://urbansound.n…"]URBAN SOUND STUDIOS - Studio A[/]="http://urbansound.n…"]URBAN SOUND STUDIOS - Studio A[/]
Send me an e-mail directly from the adress on the site there if you'd like.


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