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Hi all,

New here, I've been on GS for a long time, someone there told me about this. great!

I'm a producer/engineer from Holland, have my own studio and just started a new webshow there which is gonna be "live" in february.
Its called "Walk in - Play - Walk out" because thats whats happening: Bands come walking into my studio, they play some of their songs and walk out again. We record it in Protools, but also in HD video so we can publish some nice footage on the website. I wanted to give the bands that record in my studio more attention. Everybody has a website, everybody has Facebook so its hard to be found. Not that I have the illusion that this site is gonna help them to become ultimate popstars, but its a fun thing to do for me and for the bands. I got inspiration from [=""]this movie[/]="…"]this movie[/] and [[url=http://="http://www.livefrom… this show,[/]="http://www.livefrom… this show,[/] both awesome. The website is [=""]here[/]="http://www.walkinpl…"]here[/]; [[url=http://="http://www.walkinpl…"]Walk in - Play - Walk out | Music webshow from our studio | new session every month. Walk in - Play - Walk out[/]="http://www.walkinpl…"]Walk in - Play - Walk out | Music webshow from our studio | new session every month. Walk in - Play - Walk out[/]
Im still working on it, there are only previews now, but it gives you an impression. Let me know what you think if you like.



RemyRAD Thu, 01/05/2012 - 12:17

Well, I think that's a cool idea. Basically what I'm trying to also accomplish with my Remote Truck, on location. Although I must admit, with my wireless 3G Internet access, I was not able to stream nor watch your video intro. High definition might be cool but it gobbles up bandwidth something terribly. So I think you're a little confused in your approach there? H. 264 might be a better way to go since it's scalable? You know, MPEG 4. Not sure what you actually posted? But a great idea nevertheless. The closest I've come to Holland is in Holland Michigan which is not too far from Hell. Thankfully I lived in Detroit where the pollution was much better.

Too bad I can't easily watch your stuff.
Mx. Remy Ann David

Svensd Thu, 01/05/2012 - 13:11

Thanks, good one. It is H264/MP4 but it has pretty big filesize. Somebody else told me that also about the bad streaming, so I guess the "stream in HD" option isnt the best option for mobile acces. Good when you're at home with wifi. Just changed that, let me know if this works better, please.

RemyRAD Thu, 01/05/2012 - 15:40

Oh yeah, that loaded right up and played just fine. I think the concept is great overall. I actually market myself as " drive-through recordings & record label ". People walk into the club to play & listen and walk out with a CD or DVD of that evening's performance at the end of the evening. So I think you'll attract a lot of attention with what you're doing it's very cool.

Perfect for us ADD folks.
Mx. Remy Ann David

Svensd Thu, 01/05/2012 - 15:54

Nice, thanks for checking. You have your own Walk in - Play - Walk out concept right there :-) Over here in Europe you have some companies who do what you do and it works great. Last thing I heard was at a Petshopboys concert:Recorded the show and within 15 minutes after that show they delivered 4000 usb-sticks with the show (in audio) on it. Fans order them before the show. Also the people at the concert get an extra ticket with some rebate to buy it online within one week.

Svensd Sun, 01/15/2012 - 02:04

Thanks, that would be great and I get back to you about that for sure!! Did the stream not work or were you outside a wifi network? User remyRAD had the same but that was when all the movie were in HD by default, so I changed it back to lower quality (in Vimeo) so you can choose to watch in HD... Its only 30 sec teasers now. Please let me know because thats about the most important thing on the site: to be able to watch the sessions :-) Thanks!

RemyRAD Sun, 01/15/2012 - 10:12

When I had a nice big studio with my best high school friend back in 1978, I had suggested that some of the bands bring in their friends as an audience for the recording session. People frequently perform better when they have an audience. But all of them seemed to want to be in "solitary confinement" to produce a better product? I mean, how natural is that? Where's the spark? Where's the life? You still want to capture a good performance first and foremost. But then I come from a performance background and most other folks don't. They like to hide in their rooms and play, not sharing their toys with anyone else. Unfortunately I also learned the hard way not to share my toys or loan equipment out to others.

Let go of my eggo!
Mx. Remy Ann David

Svensd Sun, 01/15/2012 - 13:57

I hear what you say about people & performance...I would like to have people attending but I simply cant have them there because of the lack of space, it isnt that big. Camera's are on dolly's/handheld also and drive/walk around. The first band that does a session (SEEKA) are performers, also for their crowds here in Holland. I think you can see spark & life in the sessions too, even without people around them.


Svensd Sat, 01/28/2012 - 12:37

Yuri Honing, who will be doing a session with us with his "rockband" Wired Paradise in April, just won the Boy Edgar prize, Hollands most important jazzaward!
Check Yuri with Wired Paradise on Dutch National Television [=""]here [/]="…"]here [/]and [[url=http://="…"]here.[/]="…"]here.[/]

This Wednesday we will publish our first session, this time with Amsterdam based hiprocktrio SEEKA...

Svensd Wed, 02/01/2012 - 05:25

Yep, Eddy (the drummer) is only just twenty years old, he's all over the dutch scene at the moment with different bands. Vocals....yes, but thats (also) the charm of this concept: It is what it is: no overdubs, no editing etc. (you hear samples but you can see Eddy starts them from his sampler at his drumkit) Alvin had a bit of a sore troat but he didnt care so they just went on. Love the vibe of this one.

Svensd Thu, 03/08/2012 - 09:16

Thanks....No dubs in the SEEKA movie, its coming out of the AKAI sampler which is at the drummers left hand, you can see him hit the unit every now and then. Thats why he has a headphone...He plays on clicktrack. But true, it bugs me too, so I decided not to do that anymore. No more covers too (not that SEEKA does covers). It was the first episode and you live, you learn.

Svensd Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:53

I can imagine it is. Still I want bands to come and do what they do when they play live. And they do this live. Offcourse they want backingvocals, hornsection etc but budgets are tight...But you hear what they do live. Nah, not gonna remix it, its fine and over time you'll see the progression in the episodes, I hope...Thanks for watching and replying!

vtr Thu, 03/08/2012 - 12:42

I've no problem with that, just had to switch off the first song after about a minute, sadly. There must be a fine line there...when you promote something so heavily as 'playing live' that just isn't.

They couldn't even be bothered to sing the backing vocals.

It undermines your credibility as well as theirs. If I had paid to see that show, 'Walk in - Playback - Walk out' would be quite appropriate.

Best of luck all the same.

Svensd Thu, 03/08/2012 - 13:51

hehehe, playback, I like that :-)

I partly share your opinion, even tho its only in the first episode. Let me tell you how this all went...

I recorded SEEKA and mixed their record. While we were taking a break from mixing, we checked out the FooFighters doing their 49 minute Youtube movie where they play their latest album. We were so impressed and inspired...we just decided to try to do something like they did it, but with 5 or 6 songs, also in one take....and then we did it, we recorded it on audio & video while they played it exactly as they would when they play it live, in one take, with no edits, no repair, no tuning or overdubs, but yes, with the AKAI sampler which the drummer started during that session.

I didnt have any expierence with producing video's. I just put cameras in there, hooked everything up and took off. Then you edit it and see the whole thing and then you think.....damn, it looks a bit odd when you hear horns/bv's/samples etc. and dont "see" the sounds.

But like said, you live, you learn. Im not gonna do the sampler all over the place in a session anymore, and no more covers also. The first song in the second session is a cover, I like it, but I decided to only do original material. Every show (untill now) I learned from. About camera's, light, sounds and how things interact with eachother, pretty steep learning curve. So.....I dont know if this undermines my credibility. If you think so, then so be it. It comes from the love for doing this and wanting to do it, just for fun. The bands dont pay for it, its free for everyone (will always be free to watch) and I want it to be a site with bands who show what they do live, in a studiosetting.

Thanks for your opinion, seriously. March 16, the next session is online, let me know what you think!
