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i want to buy new monitors ( my first pair of them) so any kind i buy will be better than what i have now ( my stereo). I don't trust myself with listening to determine which are better, because maybe what i like isn't right for monitors so...

with the budget i have, i'm in doubt between these:

- allesis mk1 520 actives: 260 euro
- m-audio bx5a actives: 250 euro
- samson resolv 50a: 230 euro

and i've read and heard that wharfedale isn't bad either?

i can get these models

- wharfedale diamond 9.0: 159 euro
wharfedale diamond 9.1: 200 euro

i have a m-audio firewire solo on which they would go...

i like the Alesis best becoz i think they look the nicest :)
what do you guys think ?

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moonbaby Tue, 01/03/2006 - 09:07

Yeah, I choose all my monitors based on how they LOOK. Are you talking about video monitors?!?! C'mon,dude, if you can't trust your ears, why bother? If any of the professionals on this forum made their judgements based on the LOOKS of a piece of gear....You need to search this site and see what others have been reporting.....and LISTEN to the ones that are in your price range.

anonymous Tue, 01/03/2006 - 09:12

i meant, that i'm not "trained" enough at this moment to decide what a good monitor is... Maybe i like the sound of a pair, that really isn't that good, but just sounds good because it looks like a pair of speakers i'm acustomed to,
that's all i meant with that... and i like the look of the alesis, but i want the advice of people who know what they're doing ... i don't trust sales people because you don't know if they really are helping you, or just want to get id of some overstock ....

so please, can you guys give me your opinions on the monitors stated above ?

anonymous Tue, 01/03/2006 - 10:53

I dont know what to tell you I have the Alesis MK Powered MK2's and I think for the price I paid when I bought them. They sound great once I put some foam under them to tighten up the bass response. You just need to listen to them and find the pair that has what you are looking for. I would try to save a little more money and get a pair of events or the Alesis, not much more money, but I think you will be happier later. You need to look at bass response, frequency rage, if you have any adjustable frequcey's, and overall sound quality. Make sure they are true to what you record, and they dont boost anything up to make everything sound too great. You want tol hear what it really soundslike not "Crowd Pleasers"

moonbaby Tue, 01/03/2006 - 13:09

I didn't mean to come off as a smart-ass with my reply,BUT:
Monitors are very subjective. Asking what somebody else thinks of them
is like asking what somebody else thinks of the color red. Everyone has an opinion.
The specs these companies all throw out at you are NOT standardized.There are NO industry standards or guidelines as to loudspeaker ratings. My God, they don't even agree on how to measure SPL or power capacity!
Frequency plots are not all equal. How a speaker sounds is as much a product of its environment as it is the actual box it's in.
You don't have to train your ears. Just listen to your options. Use a CD that you like the sound of and can trust. See how the different models compare, side-by-side, if at all possible.
There are CDs available that can help you with this. Try consulting the website at: MIX Bookshelf, for starters.
If you need a CD to trial, go to the Pro Sound Chat portion of this website and scroll down to the post regarding fave CDs. I can recommend anything by Steely Dan (Aja, especially),Donald Fagan (NightFly), and others you will see listed there. Those are what the "professionals" use.
I have owned many different monitors over the years. The good ones "translate" well when the mix you did on them sounds good on other systems, big or small. My experiences with Alesis have not been very good. Wharfdale makes their own components (most don't) and they seem OK. I use Blue Sky and JBL 4311 (old tanks!).
Good Luck!

TeddyG Tue, 01/03/2006 - 19:25

Moonbaby's kind remarks aside(Such a sweety... SSI check late this month, dear?) and now -- VERY seriously! You will absolutely love ANY of the models you mention. Unless you listen to them all side-by-side you will never know the mostly subtle and often meaningless differences between these speakers.

You've picked your budget, you've looked them over(Sometimes the best we can do), yes - pick the prettiest ones. In this range, as a starting set, no problem --- no problem at all.


BTW: Not only do I like the Alesis' looks, I also like the fact that they've been around(And through several upgrades) at least as long as any of the others mentioned, they are made by a good, proven company, they are highly rated(For what they are!) and many, many fine professional projects have been done on them. Hard to do any better with any speaker...... They are good enough that if you ever intend to upgrade yourself and hear any real, meaningful improvement, you may have to spend quite a bit more - another sign of a good piece of equipment.

moonbaby Wed, 01/04/2006 - 15:53

No,Teddy, I was just hurt that I didn't get a Christmas card from you this year!
My Alesis monitors did OK, but that was before they were bought out by
that DJ gear company. I know that I've had to send my Masterlink back 3 I ain't in love wth them anymore.
Listen to what you can....if YOU like them, that's all that matters. Learn to deal with whatever shortcomings they have. Like if you have to boost the bass on your mixes, and then when you play those mixes back on other systems the bass is'll learn. Just like any other ART...have fun, Mr. Owen!

schizojames Wed, 01/04/2006 - 22:55

I cannot vouch for the Alesis monitors (except that they do look pretty), but if you end up going with Wharfedale, do not go any lower than the Diamond 9.2. These are $100 more (is that 50 euros?), but they make up for that in bass response. These speakers are rock-solid and very accurate (environment dependant): the only stipulation is that you also have to drop the cash for a decent (not KLH) amplifier. This is true of any passive studio monitors. I mixed on a pair of sony mini satellites combined with a pair of massive KLH (POS hollow boxes) for an extra couple of months before I was able to spend the extra money for a pair of monitors that accurately reproduce the sound. Use your ears, yes...but also use patience to make sure that your monitors are not the weakest link in the audio chain!

Umm...what they said.

anonymous Wed, 01/18/2006 - 12:39

i agree with schizojames above me. I have the Diamond 9.2's and they are pretty good for what i need them for (classical and techno music mixing). With that said, i had made a cd full of my favorite mixes and went to many stores for 2 months listening to monitors before i made my purchase. Everyone will end up yelling at you for not making a decision on how it sounds, and it is not always possible to find a store with monitors to sample, but it really is essential.


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