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Why did Shure raise the price of the SM57?

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Submitted by multoc on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 13:36

Anyone know?

I used to be able to get one for $89 at guitar center/musician's screwoff (friend), but now they're going @ $99

I've noticed this over the past six months or so and it's quite annoying, any idea why?


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multoc wrote: any idea why?

Price increases happen. Been by a gas station lately? Do candy bars cost the same now as they did 5 years ago? If you don't like it, buy someone else's mics. Supply and demand and all that stuff. If you buy at the higher price, you're proving to Shure (or the reseller) that they CAN raise their price and still sell mics.

btw - there are lots of places selling 57s for $89.

Sun, 04/08/2007 - 17:20 Permalink
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Do you know what the "suggested price" for a SM57 is in Norway? Calculated from todays current its 202.86$ as we speek.

We usualy won't get it cheaper than 146$. So considre your self lucky. And Shure have some kind of importdeal to so internett companies aint allowed to Ship Shure form US to Norway.. Cruel? YES.

I wish i knew someone personaly in the US if you know what i mean.

Mon, 04/09/2007 - 16:49 Permalink
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The odd thing about this price increase is that it only affects the SM-57 and not the rest of the Shure product line. Kinda strange. Maybe they just wanted to bring the 57 price into line with the 58.

Regardless a 10 dollar increase isn't much and 100 bucks for such a great sounding and versatile mic is still a bargin.

Mon, 04/09/2007 - 19:54 Permalink
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The price of an SM57 or an SM58 hasn't changed that much in 25+ years.

I still have my SM58 from almost 30 years ago. It cost me over $100.00 at the time. Shure sold only thousands of them each year, not hundreds of thousands. 30 years ago they were still hand made for the most part, not on an automated factory line like they are today. So they have kept the cost stable for a long time. The costs of materials and manufacture have been going up for all of that time, so a price increase is inevitable.

Also keep in mind that you are buying from a vendor who marks it up as high as they think they can get away with.

Tue, 04/10/2007 - 09:28 Permalink
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UncleBob58 wrote: The price of an SM57 or an SM58 hasn't changed that much in 25+ years.

I still have my SM58 from almost 30 years ago. It cost me over $100.00 at the time. Shure sold only thousands of them each year, not hundreds of thousands. 30 years ago they were still hand made for the most part, not on an automated factory line like they are today. So they have kept the cost stable for a long time. The costs of materials and manufacture have been going up for all of that time, so a price increase is inevitable.

Also keep in mind that you are buying from a vendor who marks it up as high as they think they can get away with.

Have you been to the plant to see them built?

Mon, 04/16/2007 - 10:17 Permalink