Hi, I'm currently doing an acoustic treatment project at university. Subsequently I'm collecting research responses on the subject. So calling all acousticians, studio engineers or plain enthusiasts, if you could take a few minutes to fill in my survey i would be really grateful! Many thanks, Murray
A survey is not the way to find out to threat a room because, yo
A survey is not the way to find out to threat a room because, you can't be sure all the answers will come from knowlegeable people.
Its a science, get the numbers, make the calculations and implement ! ;)
Forget the survey. You are laying yourself wide-open to a hugel
Forget the survey.
You are laying yourself wide-open to a hugely-skewed poll as the result of people responding who haven't a clue about the subject.
Internet-sourced acoustic information is laden with hearsay, regurgitation of inaccuracy and myth.
Just buy[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.amazon.c…"] Rod Gervais's book[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"] Rod Gervais's book[/] and you will have all the important - and ACCURATE information you will ever need.
Another must-have is The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alt
Another must-have is The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alton Everest.
With no offense to the great RO John L Sayers sight has a very n
With no offense to the great RO John L Sayers sight has a very nice 101 section and some fun build diaries. An hour or two poking around that resource can do wonders for the imagination, and show some good examples of how it's done well.
That web address is : http://www.johnlsayers.com/phpBB2/index.ph
That web address is : http://www.johnlsayers.com/phpBB2/index.php
Also, in reference to Acoustics, [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.amazon.c…"]The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F Alton Everest[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"]The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F Alton Everest[/] is the only book you need.
Read his wiki here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Alton_Everest