Hi, I'm currently doing an acoustic treatment project at university. Subsequently I'm collecting research responses on the subject. So calling all acousticians, studio engineers or plain enthusiasts, if you could take a few minutes to fill in my survey i would be really grateful! Many thanks, Murray
Forget the survey. You are laying yourself wide-open to a hugel
Forget the survey.
You are laying yourself wide-open to a hugely-skewed poll as the result of people responding who haven't a clue about the subject.
Internet-sourced acoustic information is laden with hearsay, regurgitation of inaccuracy and myth.
Just buy[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.amazon.c…"] Rod Gervais's book[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"] Rod Gervais's book[/] and you will have all the important - and ACCURATE information you will ever need.
That web address is : http://www.johnlsayers.com/phpBB2/index.ph
That web address is : http://www.johnlsayers.com/phpBB2/index.php
Also, in reference to Acoustics, [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.amazon.c…"]The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F Alton Everest[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"]The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F Alton Everest[/] is the only book you need.
Read his wiki here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Alton_Everest
A survey is not the way to find out to threat a room because, yo
A survey is not the way to find out to threat a room because, you can't be sure all the answers will come from knowlegeable people.
Its a science, get the numbers, make the calculations and implement ! ;)