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Okay, so I am VERY bad @ recording, and at singing... lol

This recording is offtime, off key, and bad quality.. but I'm curious to hear what you all think of the vocal style... its very doubled

its called "alcohol and regret"

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Space Sun, 08/26/2007 - 09:54

When you do not get any positive aid for this offering, you did it too yourself.

Very bad recording, poor singing, poor timing, poor tuning and just an overall poor presentation will get you nothing except from morons like me with little to do on a Sunday.

You work at your end of it and develop something that these talented people can get a glimmer of that >maybe< thier time is not wasted completely and then send it back for discussion.

IF anyone has anything constructive to say about this....hack...other then my oblique approach, it will be interesting.

I guess it is true. You get what you play for,
